Royals- m.c pt. 4

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Awesome writer of this: bettsyveloso

"Miss, are you alright?" Lucy asks you, concerned at your well-being because at this point, you had collapsed on the duvet in fear and shock, your face looked like you had just seen a ghost.
"Lucy, I-" you said trying your best to make the world stop spinning under your feet. Marriage? Why hadn't your parents told you?

"Will I really be married come a week's time?" You looked at her. Her face, once excited for you, now looked sullen when she saw your expression.

"Yes, your highness." She says simply.

So it was true. You felt hot, tears prickling the back of your eyes but you tried your best not to let that show as you blinked them away, determined to remain stoic.

The only thing you could think of was Michael. Michael. What would he think?
Your thoughts were interrupted with the polite knocking at your door.
It was one of the guards.

"Miss," The guard says poking his head in, "They are requesting your presence at the main ballroom. The Prince of Wales has just arrived."

"Prince Tristan." You stood up and curtsied, grinding your teeth as your future husband entered the dining room.

"Princess Y/N." He says, giving you a cocky smirk, which you in fact, rolled your eyes at.
"Take your seats, children." Your mother calls from her side of the table, giving the fakest smile you had ever seen, you were lucky you didn't empty your stomach on the expensive carpet.
You took your seat beside your mother, folding your skirts under you as the first meal was served.
You took small sips of the soup and your mother beamed at you from the table, obviously admiring the grace and poise you were showing towards your future husband's relatives. You glared back, determined to give her a piece of your mind, revenge for her marrying you off to a stranger. She dropped her gaze, looking confusedly at her small potatoes.

The conversation sparked up as soon as your appetizers were taken away, and the main course arrived. It was draggy and mostly just business talk amongst the adults.

You had tried initiating a conversation with Tristan, but just like almost every prince you met, he was full of himself and cocky, only ever talking about his own life and never asking you about yours.

"So what are your favourite classes?" You asked, twirling the pasta you were eating around your fork.

"Horseriding, sword-fighting, Latin. I'm really advanced, so I've got quite a number." Tristan replies, giving you a sloppy smile as he poked a tomato with his fork and popped it in his mouth. "Not like you would know, being only a lady."

You grinded your teeth at his words. That asshole  had the nerve? He had more gel in hair than you had dresses.

You decided to cease any other types of conversation with him after that, preferring to listen to the adults drag on.

You continued to eat in silence until something your dad said made your ears perk up.
"So will they be coming in as soon as the marriage is sealed?" Your dad says blatantly, not knowing you were listening in as you kept your glance glued to the bowl in front of you.

"Yes, Your Highness." Tristan's mom says, smiling at him and wiping her mouth gracefully with her napkin. "The verdures are packed and ready to be shipped as soon as these youngsters tie the knot." She looks at the both of you fondly before turning her attention back to your dad. "And I expect that the men you will be sending back to our own hometown are ready to go?"
"Yes." Your mother says simply nodding her head. "A great army,assembled just for your country."
You felt your heart drop in your stomach. The marriage was a trade-off.
Wales would get supplies from your kingdom and your kingdom the same with them. All to be sealed by the marriage of their children.

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