Showers- c.h

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New chapter as promised.

Awesome writer of this: calvm5sos

A yawn escapes Y/N's mouth as she stares at herself in the mirror, sleep still sitting in the corners of her eyes from only having woken up a few minutes prior. A sleepy smile hits her lips as Calum wraps his arms around her waist, interlocking his fingers and resting his head on her shoulder as his eyes flutter shut. Y/N stares at him through the mirror, the harsh bathroom light washing them both out making them look as tired as they feel. Her eyes trail over his features as she leans her head against his causing his chocolate brown eyes to open.

"'S too early," Calum mumbles squeezing her tightly.

"Tell me about it," Y/N grumbles turning her head to press her lips against his soft cheek.
A whine escapes his lips as Y/N wiggles free from his tight grip. Her feet padding over to the shower, the shower door squeaks in protest as she opens it. Y/N turns the dial to warm and quickly closes the door as water spouts out of the large square shower head, hitting the tile wall with high pressure.

Calum sets their towels on the towel rail and slowly removes his Calvin Klein's, smirking lazily as he catches Y/N staring.

"Enjoying the view pretty girl?" He chuckles pulling on the hem of his shirt that is covering Y/N's body.

Y/N nods, another yawn escaping as Calum lifts the material over her head, throwing it to the side.
"You're beautiful," Calum whispers, his hand softly groping her ass pulling her into his bare body.
Y/N lets out a scoff as she rolls her eyes.

"It's 6am, nobody looks beautiful this early in the morning," Y/N rests her hands on the strong panes of Calum's chest, the tip of her fingers lightly tapping against his collarbone tattoos.
"Mm, but you're beautiful at every moment of the day," Calum murmurs letting his lips brush against hers, his stomach fluttering as their lips touch.

The steam from the hot water surrounds them causing Y/N to wiggle free from his grasp once again and pull open the squeaky shower door and step under the shower head, her eyes closing as she feels the hot water wash over her body. Calum closes the door behind him his sleepy eyes trailing up and down her body; soaking in her beautiful curves and imperfections that were on full display. The water drizzles down her body clinging to her skin as she hums contently under the warm stream. Her eyes flutter open as she feels Calum's rough hands gliding up and down her sides, his lips leaving open mouth kisses along her shoulder.

Calum hums in appreciation as he lets the water cascade over his golden body, his eyes scrunching closed with his hands still holding Y/N's hips.

A cheeky smile covers his lips as he shakes his head causing the droplets of water that were clingy to his brunette hair to flicker everywhere.

"Calum," Y/N whines, pushing his shoulder gently with the palm of her hand.

Calum wraps his fingers around her wrist pulling it up to rest her hand on his neck as his other hand settles on the small of her back pulling her into his chest before pushing his lips against hers, his sleepy state vanishing completely. Y/N moans lowly against his mouth as his hand dips to her ass, cupping the cheek in his rough hand. Their noses bump against one another as the kiss gets more intense, the steam in the room making it all the more hot.

"Don't start something you don't have time to finish, baby," Y/N reminds him, pulling her lips from his.

"I always have time to please my girl," He smirks grinding his hips against hers as he backs her against the shower wall, his hand pushing the shower head away from their bodies.

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