Royals- m.c pt.1

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Awesome writer of this: bettsyveloso

|| in which you are royalty but michael is not.||

"No, no." Your etiquette teacher shook her head in annoyance.
What's wrong this time?" You ask. If looks could kill, Ms. Bailey would be lying dead on the floor.
"My dear, how many times do I have to tell you? That's the salad fork." She says, pointing to the offending utensil you had in your hand.

You rolled your eyes and picked up the smaller fork for the "dessert' you were supposed to eat. Dessert? It looked more like a heap of dough held together by glue.
"Uh, Uh." MS. Bailey says shaking her head again at you again.
"What did I do this time?"

"Your tone, Y/N. And for one, princesses don't roll their eyes even at discomfort."
You swear you would do it again, just to piss her off, already imagining knocking that fake ass wig off her head.

"Sorry, Ms. Bailey. How inconsiderate of me." You mumbled, gritting your teeth and straightening up your back, leaning slightly on the expensive yet uncomfortable wood of the chair.
Ms. Bailey smiles and looks you up and down. "You are forgiven, Y/N."

You nodded your head, almost letting out a sigh of relief when you heard the dinner bell signalling it was time for your actual dinner instead of this horrible etiquette schooling.

"mm.." Ms. Bailey hums once you stood up from your chair, desperate to get the hell out of there.
You bit your lip and sat back down.

"May I please be excused?" You asked innocently, standing up from your chair again.
"That's better, Y/N. And remember: Manners!"
You nodded slowly before scoffing and leaving the room.
Manners her ass.


"Y/N, so good of you to join us." Your dad, the king, says as you entered the room. You hitched up your skirt, giving him a little curtsy before taking your place on his right side.
"Evening, father." You mumbled shyly before placing the napkin on your lap.
"How was classes, darling?" Your mother calls from across the table, giving you a little smile while wiping her mouth daintily with her napkin.
"Fine, mother." You murmured, almost stabbing what you thought was salad and taking small bites out of it.

"And how's Ms. Bailey? Has she been teaching you well?"
"Yes, father." you replied almost automatically, poking a tomato with your fork, popping it in your mouth and chewing it silently.

You never really liked being a princess. Sure, it had its perks. You had lovely dresses and shoes that fit you well. Your hair was always styled the way you wanted it to be. You received the best gifts from other kingdoms, mostly from princes who desired your hand. You also had servants, ready to entertain you at your beck and call. But ever since you were a child, you always felt like there was something missing, something that was empty inside you. You longed to run through the fields of your kingdom. You craved a chat with your people instead of the snobby royalty kids who always arrived at your castle. You aspired to be more than your status, but that just wouldn't happen.
You were trapped in this place you called home.

"Y/N," your dad says, snapping you back into reality.
" Father?" you said in a daze, finally looking at him, noting the evident nervousness on his face.
"Um, I actually want to talk about something this dinner." Your father starts off slowly, looking at you delicately as if you would explode into anger any minute.

"What's wrong?" you hurriedly assume. By your father's tone, you would have assume someone died.

"Nothing's wrong my dear. It's just that, you're nearing your 18th birthday very soon." Your mother explains in a hurried tone, looking between you and your father worriedly.
You cock an eyebrow at both of them, not really understanding. Your mother looks nervously at your dad and he sighs defeated. Clearly , she wanted him to tell you.

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