Burglar- l.h pt.3

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A/N: this one and part 4 fucked me up so much

awesome writer of this: lukesmutonly

23 days! 23 days since I had last seen Luke. It had been 4 months in total since I'd first met him. The 3 months following that were the most exciting and incredible months of my life. I got to spend so much time with Luke. Lots of sex, amazing, euphoric, sex! I also got to know him on a non-sexual level and he was great! We got along so well, sure we didn't agree on everything and his moral capacity was questionable, but he was fun to be around. We weren't official but it seemed quite serious to me. Nonetheless it'd been 23 days since we last spoke and I was beginning to grow irrational. It didn't help that I had no form of contact for him, no phone number and I didn't know where he lived. It was never a problem until now, he had a knack for showing up when I needed him.

I woke up, resentful and biter at everything, heartbroken by the distance and lack of contact. What made it worse was that I didn't even have a right to feel that way, we weren't even in a relationship, but some part of me felt like he cared for me too. I slumped down the stairs, apathetic to everything, not even acknowledging my parents as I entered the kitchen. "What's wrong with you these days?" My dad asked, taking in the fact that I'd been acting different for the past 3 weeks. I just groaned back, hoping it would work as an answer.

"Well, anyway, you have a letter" he said, passing me a small white envelope.

Great, knowing my luck, it'll be more bad news. I waited until my parents left to open it, there were aspects of my life is prefer them not to know about. My heart froze as I read the first line. 'Hey princess' was written in messy handwriting. The tiny sliver of hope I had began to grow at the sign of contact from him. I was also overcome with worry, why was he writing to me? Was he ok? My eyes quickly traced the words on the page. He went on to say how he had been arrested for breaking and entering and they hadn't let him send any mail until now. Also that he wanted me to visit him today!

I rushed around the house getting ready frantically. My feelings were divided, part of me was angry at him for getting himself in this position, although I did know what I was getting myself into. Part of me was worried about the tole this would have on our relationship. Part of me was happy that I'd gotten some contact and that he hadn't lost interest.

I arrived at the jail, nervous and anxious to see him. I don't know why but jails always made me feel on edge, I knew I'd done nothing wrong but I still felt guilty. I sat on the cold stool, a sheet of glass separating me from were Luke would sit. He came marching in along with a line of other convicts. His face lit up as he saw me, whereas my expression remained stern. I was determined to show him that I was angry at him, because I was, partially, to be honest I was just happy he hadn't abandoned me.

He sat down, mirroring my actions by picking up the cold, metal phone. "Hey princess" he said in an apologetic tone. I felt like screaming down the phone and giving him a mother-like lecture about what he had done. "What the hell Luke?" I asked, anger evident in my voice. "Look, you knew what I was about when we got together, it's sort of the only reason we did get together, you knew there was a chance something like this would happen!" He defended himself. He had a point, nothing he was saying was untrue, I wanted to be angry, but I didn't really have a leg to stand on. "It's so good to see you princess, God, I almost forgot how beautiful you are" he flattered, oh damn, how could I stay mad at him?

"Thank you" I muttered back in an unimpressed tone, determined to stay partially stern with him. "I miss you, I miss touching you" he said, biting his lip. Just like that my hardened expression melted and was replaced with a soft, emotional stance. "Me too" I admitted, "how long then?" I asked, referring to his jail time. "12 months, not that bad, it was reduced because I hadn't taken anything when I got caught, so it was just breaking and entering and not robbery" he stated. Although it was better than expected, it was still horrible, I wouldn't get to see him for a year, not properly, I wouldn't get to wake up in his arms for so long.

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