Royals- m.c pt.5

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A/N: and now...

Awesome writer of this: bettsyveloso

The cold wind whipped at your ankles as you poured yourself some more tea. Something about today felt special, but you couldn't really figure out why you would think that.

You sipped the hot liquid, letting it relieve the tiredness in your bones, watching as your dad and the prince played a round of polo, hitting the black ball around your garden with their long mallets.
Oh, how you wished Michael were here with you. You felt the aching ness in the bottom of your stomach, not really knowing what it was. This was until it hit you full force. You missed him.
You have never really missed any one in your life before. The only people you have really come closed to loving were your mom and dad and Lucy and they were always at the castle. What was to miss? Michael being gone however, left you hollow and dry and you couldn't help but reach down your chest and touch the cold metal of the pendant he gave you, a reminder that he would come back.

"Y/N darling, the engagement ball is tonight, what will you be wearing?" Your mother says from across the small tea table, interrupting your thoughts.

You shrugged your shoulders. Yes, there would be another celebration because of your engagement last night, but this time it was a ball. There would be music, fancy dresses and suits and an unknown theme that would be announced a few hours before the event.

To say the least, you were tired of how the royalty celebrated every little thing, especially when it was celebrating a marriage you didn't even want to be a part of.

"To be honest mother, I was thinking of going starch naked." You said simply, taking a sip of your tea with a smile, satisfied at her horrified face.

"Y/N, a lady does not speak in that manner." Your mother says, glaring at you. "I was thinking the blue dress."

"I was thinking nothing at all."


"Sorry, just trying to lighten the mood."

Your mother looked as if she wanted to toss you out into the streets, but she forced herself to remain calm.

"Moving away from clothing matters, I'd like to talk to you about one more thing, Y/N." Your mother says, taking a scone from the basket and examining it carefully.
"And what is that?"

Your mother sighs and tosses the scone back, evidently dreading this talk but seeing there was no way around it.

"Well my dear, I know you will be married soon, and I know Tristan is a lovely man."
You drew your eyebrows together, not really sure where this was going.
"What do you mean?"

"I would just like to point out that I know it might be painful at first, but it is very important that you provide us grandchildren that can be heirs to our family's throne."
You almost spat out your tea. You knew exactly where this was going.
"Mother, please stop." You almost pleaded , feeling the red creep into your cheeks.
"My dear, sex is a normal thing, it's a natural process of life." Your mother starts off, reaching for your hand across the table.

"Mom, I know what sex is, you don't have to.."
"And I know it is scary at first, especially during foreplay, but I promise, after a few times it gets better."

"Mother," you widened your eyes, trying to tell her to stop.
"I mean that's how me and your father had you. Although it did take quite a few tries.."
You abandoned your tea and clutched your mother's hand. " MOM, PLEASE, in the name of the kingdom, PLEASE STOP."

Your mother finally getting the message, smiles and squeezes your hand
"Just looking out for you, sweetie."

You rolled your eyes and let go of her hand, leaning back in your chair.
"But if Tristan isn't as big as you thought he would be.." She tries to start, but you have had enough.

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