Royals- m.c pt.2

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Awesome writer of this: bettsyveloso

"Uhm, Uhh.."
Unbelievable. Were you at a loss of words because of some boy? Get a grip on yourself.
"Y/N." you said firmly, giving him your hand.

"Y/N" , he repeats, leaning down to kiss it gently. You blushed at the gesture and returned your hand to your side, praying that it would stop shaking.

"So Y/N, what brings to you to the market?" Michael asks politely adjusting the belt on his loose pants.

"Oh, just exploring." You could never tell him why you were really here for risk of being sent back to the castle. You couldn't also tell him who you really were as that also would get you sent back to the castle.

"Well, Y/N, do you mind if I join you in your, um, exploring?" He says holding an arm out for you.
You felt butterflies tumble in your stomach as you hooked your hand through his arm, clutching it gently.

"Not at all."

Michael, of course, proved to be quite the tour guide. He stuck to the sidewalk after your little incident, but he showed you everything the market had to offer. He showed you the brewery, winery, all the little book shops, clothing stores and music hubs that lined the area.
"This is amazing." You saw in awe, looking at the large group of people who danced inside basins, stomping on the grapes that filled them. "I never knew wine was made like that."
Michael smiled as he looked from the group of people back to you. He arched an eyebrow. "You mean you've never seen this?"

You shook your head, biting your lip as you did so. In the castle, wine was ready made, placed in a bottle at your table every dinner.

Michael shakes his head in awe. " Wow, you must not go outside that often."
You tensed, but decided to just go along with it, walking the past the group of dancing people, and deciding to direct your attention to the bookshop.

"That looks interesting." you said looking at all the different titles that could be seen from the shop window. You pulled at his arm. "Can we go inside?"

Michael gives a hearty laugh before nodding his head and following you into the store.
You instinctively moved to the fantasy section which has always been one of your favourites, picking out at least four books that caught your attention .

"Woah, slow down there." he says as you almost toppled over from the weight of the books you were trying to balance in your tiny hands. He grabs half of your pile and helps adjust the stack that was threatening to fall.

"You like reading?"

You nodded your head. " In the castl-, I mean in my house, it gets really lonely."
"No siblings?"

You shook your head. "How about you?"

Michael shook his head too. "It gets pretty lonesome, especially with both my parents working the field, but I like to spend my spare time doing music."
"Music?" you said in shock.

"Uhm, yeah. " Michael says, sudenly becoming shy.
"No, no, I think it's a great thing. What do you play?"
"The guitar mostly." He says again, seeing the blush creep into his cheeks. " I also write some songs but they're no good."

You smiled as he helped you dump the pile of books at the counter.
"I bet you're amazing. I'd love to hear them someday." You took out your purse and dumped all the gold you had on the table.

"Will that do?" You asked the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper, an old senile man that had once been sleeping, now sits up on the table, eyeing the loot expectantly. Even Michael stares at the pile of gold in awe almost like you were crazy.
"Woah." he says as you stuffed your purse in your bag again, collecting all the books and putting them in a brown paper bag.

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