Royals- m.c pt.7

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A/N: this is as far as royals go, unless there is a part eight as a last part or even more. If there is ill post it.

Awesome writer of this: bettsyveloso

You didn't know you were crying until your cheeks were wet with your tears, slowly dripping down and staining the material of your dress.

"General," you say. You would have screamed but your voice itself seemed to catch in your throat. "Please let him go. I'll do...."

You paused and thought about it. What would you do?

General Waters raises his eyebrows and turns to look at your collapsed form draped over the side of the horse while the guard behind you held your hips to keep you in place and prevented you from falling off.

"What Y/N? What will you do?" General Waters says, his voice dead and cold.
"Anything." You mutter before you knew what escaped your mouth. The moment it left your lips, a little gasped escaped it as well and you realized it was true.

"I'll do anything." You repeat but General Waters merely shakes his head.
"It's too late for anything princess." General Waters spits out and turns back around to face the road ahead of him. "My loyalty is with the King."


The guards held your hands behind your back roughly with some rope that they had conveniently brought along with them.

They made you watch as they tossed Michael into the cell and locked the metal bar door behind him and they ignored your cries and pleads as they dragged you away from the dungeons.
"Noo. No, please." You say as the guard pushed you forward and up the dungeon steps. " Please, let me take care of him. Can't you see he's hurt?" The guard ignored you and pushes against your back lightly. "Keep moving."

You took one glance at Michael in the cell, bruised and bleeding in his muddy clothes. His hair was matted down with sweat, mud and his own blood.

You used the heel of your boot to hit the guard in the shin and your ears earned the satisfaction of his groan of pain, loosening the grip he had on your hands. You pulled them free and kicked him in his soft spot. His eyes widened and he leaned against the stone wall , breathing heavily.
"You bitch." He mutters.

You pushed past him and down the steps before tugging on the metal bars of Michael's prison.
"Michael." You shout and he looks up at you, the light in his eyes almost completely gone. "Michael, I am so sorry."

He tries to stand up but falls back to the floor in defeat against the stone wall, his breaths raggedly leaving his chest.

"It's not your fault." He says silently, looking at your saddened expression. "I took the risk, I take the consequences."

You blinked back the sadness in your eyes and wipes the nose with the back of your hand.
"And look where it's got you. You're in a fucking jail cell!" The guilt that had been finally eating you up, spilled out. " And it's all because of me."

Michael smiles before wiping the blood on his lips. How unnecessary you thought, when both his hair and upper body were coated in it.

"And for you, I'd do it all again."

You were about to respond when a strong pair of arms grips you from behind and pulls you away.
You screamed and pulled against the guard's arms even if you knew any kick or punch would be futile. Michael's words had destroyed you inside.

"Use the rag." You heard General Waters say from the top of the stairs.
Your mind seemed to be underwater, blurring everything around you. Before you knew it, a cloth was placed over your nose and mouth, the world disappeared into shades of black.

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