Captured To Become A Vampire Prince's Bride [8]

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Charlotte raced into my room and squealed. "Seeing you two get along is so cute. I can't wait to see you guys further down the line."

I couldn't imagine what it would be like. I wasn't against us improving the current state of our relationship. But in its current state, my brain just couldn't conjure up an image of us being chummy to one another. It was almost like our personalities clashed.

I shrugged, "we'll see I suppose."

She nodded in agreement, "Yeah you're right. Have you seen Leandra anywhere?"

"She left. She and Alexander had some argument a few hours ago."

She squeezed her temples and cursed under her breath. "You wouldn't mind assisting me in finding her, would you?"

I shook my head and hurried to put on some shoes and a jacket then left to scurry after Charlotte. I didn't mind because I had absolutely nothing else to do.

We went out through the front doors and walked down the pathway that snaked its way down to the gates at the bottom. The gates were opened, and we were out into the world.

I looked back at the castle as it rested on top of the hill, watching over this place- Nox Aterrima.

The sun was out and beaming, and the few clouds present slowly hovered over us. It was a beautiful day and made me think that I should get outside more. This place was magnificent.

We got to the town and people began to stare at us. What was wrong?

I felt a little uncomfortable as I began to walk closer and closer to Charlotte for security. They looked friendly enough, but their stares made my insides coil up.

"Don't worry, they don't want your blood or anything. They know you're the future queen of this place. Give them a wave," Charlotte assured me.

I gave an awkward wave, and the people began to clap and cheer. It got me wondering why when both myself and Prince Alexander were walking through here, we got no reaction. No one had paid any attention to us or barely shot any glances.

"I guess you're not used to this." Charlotte chuckled, "you see, the prince doesn't like people to cheer at him or do anything to worship him because he hasn't done anything."

"What do you mean? Is cheering a bad thing here?"

"Not at all. I mean, he just sees himself as the son of the King, he doesn't think he should receive praise for being a son. So, anyone who does gets either persecuted or prosecuted for "false idolisation", as he calls it."

I scoffed in amusement. What a brat. "That's a bit irrational."

"All the same he uses his place as the prince to do whatever he wants... almost contradicting his own point."

"Do you have any idea where Leandra could've gone or are we just wondering around?" I asked as we walked at a steady pace along a cobblestone path.

"She's probably gone home to her parents' house."

"What are you two to the prince? Are you related or something?" I questioned after some time of keeping that question in my head.

Charlotte laughed, "we consider him as family, like a little brother. I don't know how he sees us, but we're like his supervisors or mentors."

"But you're so young. How come?"

In all honesty, Charlotte and Leandra looked no older than we did, maybe 20. Any mentor I've seen, well, they've always been quite of age, sometimes with grey hair. These two were far from it. Maybe he took them from their family too, like me.

"You forget," she grinned to show off her pointy fangs and then tapped them, "we vampires age differently to you humans. We look younger than we actually are."

We arrived at a rather average-sized Tudor looking cottage. The garden was full of colourful flowers and plants, and some strange ones I had never seen before. Some seemed to be even more animated than the Venus Fly Trap! I watched them intently. This was amazing.

Charlotte knocked and waited for an answer. The door opened to a small black girl with short curly hair, she looked about nine or ten. She excitedly hugged Charlotte and gave me a small wave. I waved back, of course.

"Leandra!" She called behind her, "your friends are here!"

Leandra soon came and eyed us both, "did he send you?" She was dressed casually, a pair of blue mom jeans and a white vest.

Charlotte shook her head, "we came to get you."

"Didn't Arianne tell you? He kicked me out."

Charlotte sighed heavily and squeezed her temples again, "what did you do now, Leandra?"

"How about you come in," Leandra suggested and opened the door wider.

I shuffled behind Charlotte as she walked in and followed Leandra into her living area. The cottage seemed a lot larger on the inside, we passed the kitchen and then what seemed to be the dining room before we reached the living room. All of which were rather big, bigger than the ones in your average house.

All the walls were made of cobblestone and wood. It looked beautiful all the same, old fashioned with a modern feel.

No one was in the living room. We all sat down, "I may have let a little comment about his mom slip." She shrugged, "Arianne heard most of it anyway. Did you hear that bit?"

I nodded stiffly, "you should come back. I'm sure he'll forgive you."

Leandra laughed sarcastically, "once you make a comment about his mom, you're screwed." She put on a serious face, "I'm surprised he hasn't had me arrested yet. He's probably trying to be nice in front of you."

Did people get arrested for making comments about his mom? That was harsh. But I guess I couldn't feel what he felt about his mom because the one with my mother was non-existent. They were probably really close, just like he and his dad are.

"It wasn't an insult though. Maybe I can try talking to him." I offered, "you two are the only decent company I have. He'll understand."

"No. You don't understand the prince."

"She's right," Charlotte added.

What did they both mean?

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