Return of Old Times

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The awkward silence continued in the quinjet, making me slightly uncomfortable- never have I ever been with any of my super hero friends and had an awkward silence take place. It was just strange, that is until Tony decided to make an observation regarding Loki, "What you don't like lightning?"
It had started to suddenly storm, "It's not the weather that bothers me, I'm not particularly fond of what follows it."
Tony looked at him confused, but I realized what it meant- "Oh shit! Guys, get by-" The door to the cargo area (the area we were in) opened and in stepped Thor. He barely glanced around before grabbing Loki with a exasperated sigh, "You!" Before anyone could react, Thor flew off holding Loki. Steve and Tony looked at each other before Tony quickly snapped down the front of his helmet and blasted off leaving Natasha, Steve, and I in the quinjet. After waiting several beats, Steve went to join the party and I begged to come, "Someone needs to keep Natasha company."
"But Steve! I want to be able to help. I know all his weaknesses!"
"I don't care. I just want you safe and from the way that Stark acts, the safest place would be here or on the other side of the world. Stay here!" He jumped off the plane heading towards the fight that was surely happening between Tony and Thor.
"Hey, I can't break a rule that Capt places... but you're not me."
"You're the best."
"I know." She smirked and turned the quinjet back towards where Captain jumped off to join the fight, I put on a backpack and jumped.


On the ground, Loki watched as Thor and The man of Iron started fighting, he smirked at all the fuss that was being caused by them. Not even several minutes before Thor had grabbed him from that awkward flying Midgardian machine and thrown him upon a cliff side. After some heart to heart conversation, Thor demanded several requests, "Stop this madness Loki, come home."
"I'm plenty fine here Odinson."
"You're Odinson as well."
"No, I'm Laufeyson or did you forget what happened last time? The lies, hate, deceit... All from mother, you, and even the precious All Father."
"Stop this Loki! Listen to me-" The man of Iron had blasted Thor sending him from the mountain to the tree-filled mountain-side below
"I'm listening." Loki smirked playfully and watched the events unfold, from the insults to the battle
His favorite part was when the man of Iron asked his brother, "Uh, Shakespeare in the park? Doth mother knowith you wearith her drapes?"
"Do not mock me."
"Don't touch my stuff."
"You know not what you are unleashing." Thor raised his hammer and out of nowhere a shield flew from the sky and hit his brother
"Enough." The soldier out of time had arrived, "Stand down." Thor didn't listen, "I said put the hammer down."
"He loves his hammer." The man of Iron warned
"You want me to put the hammer down?! I'll put the hammer down!" He threw it towards the soldier, it hit his shield and a wave of sound erupted knocking down part of the forest, the soldier slid back a little but was otherwise unharmed from the hammer-of-worthiness
"Ah!" A scream was heard and a parachute crumpled up into a huge ball, someone was obviously trying to untangle it as they fell ten feet... twenty feet... thirty feet... Loki realized they weren't going to stop
"Odinson! Thor! Brother!" They paid him no attention, "Ugh, big blundering fools. I have to do everything myself." He crouched down and jumped. In some miraculous way, he caught the thing and they both fell towards the Earth. Somehow they ended up not dying, just crashing though some trees that had been knocked down by the super-blast of doom the soldier and Thor had created.


I jumped off the plane and just missed hitting a bird. Rolling my eyes, I turned back to the scene that was unfolding below. Tony and Thor could be seen fighting from the various parts of the forest lighting up whether it be from lightning or arc blasts. Loki was no where near the fight. Getting caught up in looking for Loki and seeing the doings of Thor and Tony, I didn't notice what seemed to be a sonic blast knock down the surrounding trees and some birds from the air. Including me.

Tumbling down toward the Earth, the parachute got caught and ended up wrapping around me. Soon I couldn't see where I was going or what I was doing. I panicked, what if I died? And what if Loki saw and did nothing? That was one of my biggest fears. I hope now wouldn't be the time it came true- but knowing my luck it would come true one way or another. Something or someone grabbed me and we both started to fall together. "Hold onto me." It spoke but I could barely tell whose voice it was due to the wind whipping in my face and the parachute attacking me.
"I'm trying!"
"Try harder dammit!"
"I am!"
Boom! We hit the ground and he groaned, "You need to move your elbow."
"Ooops sorry."
We stood up, Loki helping me up. I jumped on him, hugging him.
"Good to see you too Luna."
"What is going on here?" I yelled and three super heroes looked up from their little toddler fight
"Good to see you Lady Luna." Thor nervously smiled
"Damn." Tony smiled, quickly frowned, and pointed at Thor, "He touched my stuff."
"I told you to stay on the quinjet." Steve sighed rubbing his head, "Are you hurt?"
I just smiled, what a bunch of messed up idiots.
These guys are the best.

The Not So Asgardian and IOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora