Heading Home

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Everyone was rounded up by Natasha, but since there really was no place to land the quinjet, Thor and Tony took turns flying people up to it. Thor grabbed Loki and flew him up first.
"I really wish you would have listened." Capt sighed strapping his shield to the back of his uniform
"I really wish I was there to see everyone get suited up."
"It was pretty cool seeing the Capt-sicle get all suited up like some star-spangly piñata." Tony threw in putting his arm around my waist, "Ready to take off?"
"Just don't drop me." I threatened
"Ooo feisty. Boss me around anytime little miss." He used some thrusters to slowly lift us off the ground before zooming over to Natasha and the quinjet. As we flew to them, Thor flew past us to pick up Capt.
"You know what we should do more often?"
"Enlighten me."
"We should hang out more. I haven't seen you properly since- well- since I left for Asgard. And how long ago was that?"
"Three years? Maybe more."
"Chill on any large donuts lately?"
He laughed a long hearty laugh, "No, you know if I did I'd bring you with."
I was set down lightly on the floor of the quinjet and Tony flipped the front of the helmet up to reveal his face. Loki stared at us with a look of hatred and curiosity.
"Can I help you?"
"Okay then, how about you don't stare."
He didn't respond but slumped in his seat and looked away
"So, Luna, tell us about where this blonde guy is from. We need to know what we're getting ourselves into."
"Well, he comes from Asgard. His brother is that thing over there and he is next in line for the throne that Loki here wants badly enough that he would kill a whole race for it." I tapped my chin thoughtfully, "I guess that sums it up."
Natasha smiled and continued flying in circles, waiting for Thor, "Where is he?"
"He's a big blonde muscular oaf, he probably fell attempting to figure out how his legs work." Loki growled
"Whoa, calm down there reindeer games." Tony chuckled, "Someone doesn't want to show some brotherly love."
"He's not my brother!" Loki yelled back
"Do you want a muzzle?!" Tony shouted back as things escalated quickly
"You could sure as well use one!"
"Don't push it reindeer games, I can put a whole other world of pain your way."
"I doubt you could do anything man of iron."
"It's Iron man, get it right you asshole."
Loki stood up ready to fight though his wrists were cuffed. Tony went to take the first punch since Loki got into his personal space but I quickly stood in between them. "That's enough from the both of you."
"Luna, let me deal with this myself."
"Back away now." Loki warned, glaring daggers at Tony
"No. Get the hell away from each other before-" Loki swung at Tony, his hands still cuffed but also still effective. Tony grabbed me and spun me to the side out of the way, the blow missed me by a few inches and hit Tony in the chest. He staggered backwards and smirked in Loki's direction.
"You call that a punch?" Which made Loki even more mad. He swung again and Tony dodged it laughing. Finally, Tony sent a punch Loki's way- only to have it go right through him. While Tony looked confused, Loki had snuck up behind him and went to slam his handcuffs into Tony's head.
"Tony!" He turned at the sound of me calling him to block Loki's handcuffs with his arm, Thor flew onto the quinjet with Capt and they quickly broke up the fight.
"Stay seated," Capt warned, "get up and I'll make you wish you hadn't." Loki grinned
"Stop with these foolish games brother."
"I'm not your brother."
"You-" I placed my hand on Thor's shoulder signaling him to drop the topic
A silence followed.
"Hey, I don't know if this is of any relevance but we'll be at the carrier shortly." Natasha steered the quinjet into a nice steady stream of air, several birds flew by.
The quinjet landed and everyone exited out. Loki was handed over to a group of guards and out of nowhere several started to put me into handcuffs. "What-What's going on?!" I asked
"This is just a precaution since you helped him out." Natasha informed me
"A precaution!? This is not a precaution! A precaution is Hulk-proofing the helicarrier, not putting one of the best agents regarding the captive, in handcuffs!"
"Just calm down ma'am." One of the men told me, but I could not calm down. I shouldn't be handcuffed!
"Luna! Let them handcuff you. Calm down!" Loki yelled, "I promise, it will be okay!" They took him inside.
I took a deep breath, "Do it. Do it quickly. Hurry the f-"
"Language, please." Steve threw in and I glared
"Isn't that line one movie early, Capt?" I sarcastically glared at him and his stupid perfect white teeth
He looked upset by my comment and the burly guards took me away.
Both Loki and I were escorted through several levels of security, starting with taking away any hidden weapons or potential weapons. Then we were taken to another area to wait for different guards and several other stupid levels commenced. He was silent most of the time until the very last level where we were escorted to the actual cells.
"Yes, Loki?"
"I'm sorry."
"Yes, surprisingly, I'm sorry."
"Can you be quiet Loki?" I snapped at him, pulling at the cuffs slightly
"I- uh- Luna, I-I don't understand."
"Stop it! Will you? Stop it right now Loki! All this madness! Stop it! Right now!" The guards pulled me towards a cell off the side of the carrier, "Until you stop, I won't listen. You hear me!? I won't listen!" They pulled me inside and took the handcuffs off before locking the door. Loki was escorted down the hall further. To what- I have no idea.

Happy Thanksgiving!!! :)

Shout Outs:
mikaylaTommo57 (Always has hilarious comments!)
IrisMayAyame (So nice and a great person all around)
Fangirl_Nation_Unite (Awesome person- one of my best internet friends)
HelaHolmes (Fabulous person with a great taste in books)
DeanWinchester18 (Wonderful person who is just amazing!)

Follow these darlings! :)

*Also, this is not a chapter narrated by Loki- I know. One is coming up soon- it's just hard to put in a chapter that doesn't belong where it would have to be placed. :) So, Loki is coming up soon!

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