Suicide Story

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“Go comfort him. Do not come to the banquet. It is not mandatory. Stay with Loki, make sure he is alright.” She turned and left.

I walked over to my balcony and looked out at the stars. I wish they could have sent me a sign on what to do.

Suddenly, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. It was Loki. And he was about to jump off his balcony. Adrenaline coursed through me as I jumped off of my balcony onto his. I grabbed his armor just as he jumped.

By grabbing his armour just as he jumped, I almost flew off the balcony too. Thankfully the railing caught my feet but we were both hanging off. I manage to wrap my arm around his waist, somehow, and used my other arm to help pull me up. Once I was on the balcony, I helped the young prince up too.

“Let go!” he yelled

“No! You don’t deserve this! What were you thinking?!” I yelled pulling him up

“You are surprisingly strong, dearest.” He suddenly smirked causing me to almost drop him.

“Shut up.” I yelled and rolled him onto the balcony

“You must love me, since you have decided to save me.”

“What are you talking about?! I saved you for the sake of Frigga!”

“And yourself. Admit you at least care for me.”

“I do not care for you. I was saving you from a mistake and Frigga from loosing a son.”

“I am not her son, no more than you are her daughter.”

“I am her half-daughter. I consider her my mother even though we do not share the same blood.”

“You love me, do you not?”

“I do not.”

“You care for me at least.”

“Yea, okay. Sure.” I laughed sarcastically at how stupid he was being

“Oh how I love it when you are stubborn, precious girl. An icy heart to rival my own, I’ll have it burning soon.” He cooed

“Are you high?!”

“No. No I am not.” Loki said in a flat, very serious, tone

“Then why do you keep saying those things to me?”

“You should know. You are after all, a clever little thing.” He cooed again

“Flattery does not swoon me or make my heart flutter. Now I must head back to my own apartments.” I got up but he grabbed my wrist. His hand was icy cold.

“Read to me, will you dear?” he looked up at me, his eyes the smae green as mine. Maybe even greener. He was lovely to look at, yes, but he was to be concidered as my brother. It would never work out. But who says one cannot at least be nice to their new sibling?

“Fine,” I sighed “Which book?”

He handed me his auburn genealogy book and patted the seat next to his on the couch. I sat down and started reading.

Soon after, Loki fell asleep. I yawned and placed the book next to me on the couch. I looked at Loki sleeping peacefully and sighed. I placed my head on his shoulder and ended up drifting off as well.

I woke to Frigga tapping my shoulder and sun streaming through the thickly curtained windows. It was morning and I was in Loki's room. 

Wait, what?!

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