It's you... again...

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Loki bolted up suddenly screaming. I jumped back, startled, "Loki. Loki!" He glanced around frantically and then once his eyes found me, kept staring at me. "Loki? Are you okay?"

"Are you with child?" He cried out, suddenly

"The hell-?!" I looked at him, shocked at his audacity and sudden outburst

Upon hearing my answer, Loki looked ever so relieved and tackled me. I landed on my back with him on top of me, he then proceeded to cover my face and neck with little kisses. Well this was odd.

"Um, Loki, not that I'm not enjoying....this... but, what's going on?"

Sitting up, he took me in his arms and held me on his lap. Kissing my forehead one more time, he spoke, "I-I had a horrible nightmare. I'm glad your safe."

"Ummm? Why was it so bad."

"Another time, perhaps. Now, back to my room?" He smirked

"What about Odin?"

"What about him?"

"He's your father!"

"And you're my Luna."

"Not the same." I stood, or at least tried to. But Loki wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back onto his lap.

"Stay." His head was placed on my shoulder and he sighed





I gave him a look and started to stand again, this time he let me. I smiled at him and helped him up. We started walking toward the direction of Loki's room. When we reached one of the main halls, I stopped, turned, and started running toward the room where Odin and Frigga were, with Loki hot on my heels.

I slowly slipped through the open doors, as soon as I did, they were closed. Blocking Loki from my rescue. Careful to stay in the minimal shadow spaces around the room, I carefully tried to apply what I had read to the situation I had gotten myself into. Slowly slink along, do not make noise, or draw any sort of attention to yourself. If you catch someone that has seen you, flee or find another shadow. Fighting will only bring others and then the possibility of running or succeeding was slim to none. No, fighting was not an option. Not at all. I was stuck with a dangerous spiteful king and I had no weapons. I had no Loki.

Laufey, the largest of the First Giants, was gloating about his easy victory. Defeating Asgard, seeing Odin in such a pitiful venerable state. My slinking in the shadows was getting me nowhere, and Frigga wasn't doing boo. There was only one option. And no, it wasn't fleeing to the bipolar safety of Loki's arms. Taking a deep breath, I started to walk toward the azure-colored king. Loki grabbed my arm, "You can't go. You can't stop them, Luna. You can't."

"How did you get in here?" I glared at him, shock spread over his face at the realization of my death wish. And then I realized, it was just a trick. He wasn't actually there. He could do nothing about my potential suicide. Closing his eyes, I felt his grip on my arm. He could only hold me back, in this form, if he concentrated. "Let go." I whispered back at him. His grip didn't loosen. "Loki," my voice sounded threatening, "Let go." He looked at me for a few beats and surprisingly, for once, listened and let go.

"Please be careful."

I nodded, "Laufey! What do you think you're doing?"

"Princess Luna. What a pleasant surprise. Come to witness the beginning of my rule?" Laufey flat out started bragging about his soon to be victory, he raised his weapon to strike Odin down where he lay. I stood firmly in place, between Odin and Laufey. "How cute." He laughed, "A little guard dog for Odin, a pet to keep him company. Why are you blocking my path princess, do you not want to be freed from the All-Father's tyranny?"

"I am not a guard dog or a Midgardian pet." I paused realizing I had just degraded my kind just as Loki had always done, "I stand here before you to put a stop to your injustice and lack of chivalry. Odin is not prepared to fight. There is an expression- let sleeping dogs lie. If you kill Odin now, the fury of the realms and Asgard will be upon you and your people. Do you really want that?"

"Injustice? Chivalry? There is no such thing in the affairs of kings."

"Is the affair of kings, destroying one's life and casting his family into the shadows? No even Odin did that when your people started the war those oh so many years ago. He let you live in peace as long as you didn't start another one. You had a pact. If you do this, your people will die." I wish I knew how true that sentence was. Or I would have stopped Loki sooner.

Just as Laufey had lowered his weapon, slightly, in thought, Loki shot his 'guards'. Laufey looked at me and then Odin, raising his weapon to strike one of us down. I didn't move from where I stood but silently wished for it to be a quick death. I closed my eyes. Then the sound of a staff cutting into something echoed through the hall. Laufey's weapon fell and nearly missed me. The Jotun fell and I saw Loki standing behind him with the tip of the king's staff, his staff, all bloody. Loki and I silently looked at each other and I turned away. He didn't have to kill Laufey. There was no need, Laufey was going to drop his weapon. Loki never should have snuck in and intervened.

I turned back to Loki, he noticed I was upset and quickly held his arms out. I ran into them and he stroked my hair, "Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" I kept shaking my head no.

Then I realized, Frigga. "No, no. Don't worry about me, what about Frigga?" Loki walked over to Frigga and hugged her.

"Mother are you alright?"

Frigga started crying, "Yes, thanks to you and Luna. Oh Luna, I'm so sorry for any harm or hurt I have caused you or my son." She put an arm around my shoulders in an awkward hug. It felt awkward. This wasn't my family, and yet I was there while they had a family moment. They almost lost a loved one.

Frigga started talking to Loki so I snuck away. I wanted to -no, I needed to- go back to Earth. I just had to convince the gate-keeper, Heimdall. Heimdall took one look at me and would not allow me passage, "I have fought Jotuns, I have been frozen by your Dark Prince. I am in no mood to bring other realms in on our suffering."

"Loki sent the little monster to Midgard! Heimdall please help! Please!"

"The Destroyer?"


Heimdall looked out into the stars, deep in thought, and then took his sword and started the Bio-Frost. In came Thor; Fandral; Hogun; Volstagg; and, my least favorite, Sif. I hugged Thor, "It's been horrible!" I thought back to the days when Loki was sweet. And the days when he made me want to commit suicide. I loved Loki, but if he was going to act bi-polar -loving me one minute, hating me the next- then I couldn't be part of his life.

"I understand. Where is Loki?"

"In your father's bed chamber. Frigga moved him to a room that was closer to her personal office."

"Is he still in Odin-sleep?"

"Yes." I countered, "The king of the Frost Giants, Laufey, almost killed him."

"Is he dead?"


"Did Loki save him?"


"And you?"


"No, I mean are you okay?"

"Yes. Someone has to try to be, you know?"

Thor smirked at my comment and hugged me again. Then, signally his comrades, they ran toward the palace. Before they left, Thor nodded to Heimdall who then spoke, "You may leave if you wish, I cannot guarantee that you will return."

"It's a risk I am willing to take." I heard the sound of galloping hooves and a horse came flying towards us. It was Loki. And Thor was trailing behind him. Closing the distance between the two.

"Don't leave." Loki got off the horse and ran towards me.

"Heimdall. Now." I held my hand out towards Loki and then I was gone, "I'm sorry."

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