Laufey and The Frost Giants

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When we finally landed, well appeared at Jotunheim, Sif looked around and led the group.

“Does she know the landscape?” I asked Fandral                               

He walked carefully around a chunk of ice then spoke, “It seems so. I believe that she researched the landscape before offering her services. She didn’t want any ambushes I suppose.”

“Oh. Well that was nice. Did everyone research something?” I looked around, curious

Volstagg stormed pass, “No.”

Everyone stopped talking and glanced around. No movement or noises were seen or heard. Then something spoke.

“Why are you here, Asgardians?”

“Why were 3 of your men in Asgard?” Thor demanded

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, boy.”

Thor made a fist and Loki tried to calm him down, “Laufey-“

I quickly stepped forward interrupting him, “Your highness, what we mean to say is why would 3 of your men try to break the peace and steal the relic?”

Laufey gave a look to the men near him as if saying, who is this girl?

Thor quickly stepped in front of me and spoke, “Laufey, ignore the girl. She is ignorant of what is happening here. Now tell me why your men would do that.”

Laufey looked at Thor coldly, “I will not speak to your comrades or you about the matter.” Thor grabbed his hammer “But, I will speak with that girl.”

Everyone moved away several steps away from me. Me? I thought and stepped forward to the throne. I wasn’t sure if I should bow, kneel, or curtsy. 

So I tipped my head slightly and spoke, “Yes?”

“The men that left were not part of the royal party. They were villagers hoping to get a reward for getting the relic back from… your people.” He surveyed the group, “Are all your... friends royals?”


“Are you a royal?”

“Are you just avoiding the question?”

He smirked, “This one’s clever. I suggest you go back home now. I’m done here.”

Thor and the others turned away and headed back toward where Heimdall had left them, “Yes. I suppose I am royal. Not by blood. But by adoption.”

“Well Princess…?”


“Well Princess Luna, I hope you find the group behind this.”

I turned to leave and Thor stormed back at Laufey.

Loki stopped him, “Let’s go.

Thor glared at Laufey. He then turned to leave, when a Frost Giant near Laufey spoke up.

Yea, go home little Princess.

Thor stopped, turned, and smiled. Then all hell broke loose.

Jotuns/Frost Giants attacked us. Thor electrocuted Giants; Fandral was in a sword duel with one, Volstagg used his weight to his advantage knocking them over, Sif used her spear to kill several, Hogun was helping Volstagg partly, and Loki was using his image tricks to cause some to fall off the cliffs near the throne room. I stood off to a corner, having no one noticed me, and watched amazed, at how skilled they were. I was still watching the battle, of course, to see if anyone came toward me.

Out of nowhere, a Frost Giant lunged at me from the shadows. I ducked and drew a sword; it smiled and changed its hand into a spear. We dueled. The Frost Giant, every chance he got, would try to trip me or fight dirty. Finally I stabbed it and it fell where it stood. Someone ran up behind me and I turned, sword drawn.

“Luna.” Loki held his hands up, “We need to leave now.”

I put the sword away and followed Loki and the others.

As we ran toward a clearing, a gigantic beast pursued us. Finally we reached the edge, but Heimdall wouldn’t open the bridge.

“Heimdall! Open the bridge!” Thor yelled as the Frost Giants surrounded us

Then Odin appeared in a bright beam of light. He called off the fight.

I didn’t hear all the details because Loki kept whispering nonsense in my ear.

“Did any attack you?”



“One attacked me.”

“Was he big?”

“I suppose.”

Loki grabbed me into a hug, resting his chin on the top of my head. “Please. Don’t make me bring you again. I thought you’d end up like Fandral.”

I glanced at Fandral and the spear wound in his back, “You don't need to worry about me.”

Loki swayed back and forth, his arms still wrapped around my waist, "I still do though." 

We returned to The Rainbow Bridge and everyone but Thor, Loki, and I were allowed to leave. 

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