An Encounter With Mischief

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I couldn’t possibly rest, relax, or sleep after seeing my room.

I went through the books and selected a few that I had to read. I placed them on the desk. Walking through the room, I opened the balcony doors. I stepped out into the slightly breezy afternoon.

It was paradise. 

The sun started to set on my fairy tale, and as I started to go inside a voice started me.


“Hello. How is your fairy tale dearest?” Loki looked up from a book he was reading while lounging on a black iron chair. His balcony doors were open, their curtains swaying in the slight breeze 

“Just fine. And yours?” I clenched my teeth

“Fine. I would rather be in the library reading but as mother says, exercise and fresh air could do you good.”

“Oh really. What book are you reading?” I asked pointing at the auburn book that rested on his lap.

“Oh this? It’s a book on genealogy and DNA.”

“You have books like that here?” I sat down on one of the chairs on my balcony

“Yes, we do. We are civilized, as you may see, stupid girl.”

“How dare you. I am the smartest in my field back on what is known as Earth.”

“Back on what is known as Earth is very different from here, dearest. Smarts can only get you so far. Brawn get’s you the rest of the way. As you can tell from my ‘brother’.”

“It’s sad how it’s like that practically everywhere. The smart ones never stand a chance. Am I right?”

“In most instances, Yes.”

“It’s agreeable in most cultures such as, for example, Sparta, that the brawnier or stronger you are the better rank you have in both social and relationship status.”

“I agree almost completely. We are neither Sparta nor a puny Earth colony. We are Asgard and out of everything, I have a higher social status than, let’s say, you. I also have a higher relationship status then, lets say, you.”

“Hmm. Should I take that as a complement or an insult? And the only reason why you may have a higher status is because you are a prince.”

“True. But you have a feast to get ready for. I do not.”

“And why not?”

“I can choose whether or not I go to such things. I am not my mother’s show pony. Unlike, let’s say, you. Shouldn’t you be getting ready?”

I looked at the sky the sun was almost completely set, “Yes I should. But No. I’m talking to you and I have to rush. Thanks so much, ‘brother’.”

“I am not your brother. And no need to thank me. Have fun dearest, have fun.”

I cursed under my breath, I hated Loki. I hated him so much. 

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