Chapter 27: Get a Grip

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"Don't you just love me? I know it's been long since we last worked out at a gym. I got our membership 50% off. Thank my company. It's part of my fringe benefits. Good news to you I can avail discounted memberships for two!" Krista said while hitting the treadmill. 

"Yeah, thanks. I thought we would just live the fat life here in the US." I got off the stationary bike and asked the trainer for a 1-inch wide and 3-meter long garter.

I stood in front of the full-length wall mirror.

I rolled a few inches of the ends of the garter around each of my hands. I stepped on the center of the garter on the floor and started doing some arm and leg exercises. 

Why wasn't Franz in class?

Was he sick?

Did something bad happen to him?

Why am I even worrying?

Because he is a friend.

He is really nice to me.

I should add him on Facebook later.

With the thought of Facebook, Ashton automatically comes into mind. I guess I have associated the guy with the social network already.

What's the deal with Facebook?

Josh and I broke up because of that damned site.

But, Ashton added me as a friend there. We chatted, video called, and he sang to me. I still feel giddy when I remember that. I can't help but smile to myself.

He also asked for my number. Because of Facebook, we were able to text, eat ice cream, and have lunch together earlier.

I guess Facebook is not so bad after all.

I smiled and hummed the tune of It Girl while stretching my arms.

I'm gonna add Franz as a friend later and ask him why he wasn't in class.

Besides, I have the duty to do so. The professor asked me to inform Franz that he has only 6 allowable cuts left for the entire semester. I should also warn him about the quizzes. 

Mental note that, Pau.

And I hate that McCullough guy.

I put the garter at the side and did some squats and lunges.

I am now drenching in sweat. 

It feels so good.

I then see Carlo, my trainer, walk towards me.

"Hey, Pau. Done? Let's start with your program?" He said as he handed me a 10lb barbell.

"Sure. Let's start."


"I was really surprised that you ran after me. It made me really happy, Ash. I knew it. You miss this too." Tiffany said as she showered me with kisses all over my face. 

She went on, "I almost believed you when you said you're not in the mood. Seriously, Ash, you never said no to me. You never rejected me with this. And when you said I could just sleep with anyone, I got so hurt! But, you ran after me! I'm so sorry I slapped you. I was just so hurt I did it on impulse. Your pretty face does not deserve it. I'm sorry!"

I just lay there with my eyes closed, secretly hoping that she will just shut up.

She pushed her naked body closer to mine, squeezing her bare chest on my arm.

She plants a wet kiss on my lips and kissed me some more down to my neck, still talking in the midst of those kisses. 

I lay there on the bed, as still as a rock, pretending to be asleep.

Tiffany really won't quit talking. 

If only I could put a pillow over her head and suffocate her to death so she can finally shut up,  I would.

It's true.

I don't feel like having sex with her or with anyone else, I guess.

I wasn't really in the mood.

I don't know why.

This foreign feeling scared me. I had to do what I normally do.

I thought I'd be normal again once I do it.

Now that I just did-- why do I still feel the same?


This chapter is somewhat mature. I tried to make it as conservative as possible without trying to eliminate the sensuality of the scene I want to express. Comments?

Hope you understood why I just had to make this chapter!

Still wish that you appreciate this! xx

This story is dedicated to Writer25! Thanks for reading up to this point! xx

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