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Preview : "you got the idea now girly" "yeah buck I got it" I say as I look up and down the bar at the liquor. "Alright then get to work" buck smiled at me. I started to work at my god father's bar.(buck) my name is Molly. Im not from tusla. I'm from Florida. I'm 17 and I was in the military for fore years. I got out a couple months ago. I know a girl in the military thats rare in 1983 but... I have no siblings I only have buck left in my life after my parents left me all alone when I was 4 so buck has been taking care of me....I mean for most of my life. Anyways, I started my job being a bar tender when a group of boys walked in. My friend who works at the var with me nudged me. "Look at them cute boys over there" she said as she cleaned a class i just laughed. After a while a boy comes up and sits at the bar. He looks a little too young to be a a bar. "Can I help you sweetheart?" I asked. "Can I have a hint of you" he winked. I just laughed. "Exscuse me?" I say. "I'm sorry my brother bet me $50 that I can't get a kiss from you." I blushed. I giggled. I look at the table the boys were sitting at. Two of them winked at me. I rolled my eyes then sighed. "Okay I'll kiss you but only on the cheek" I say. "That will do" he smiled. I bent over the bar an kissed his cheek. "Good baby?" I say. "Yeah thanks" he says as he hoped off the bar stool. I laughed and whent back to work......

the outsiders fanfiction "bad to the bone"Where stories live. Discover now