pt 16

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"There you are princess" Tim said stepping out of his truck. "What do you want" I looked in his eyes. "I beat them girls you said you'd leave me alone!" I yelled. "Im not looking for you I looking for o'l Dally" he says.

"Well he ain't her now you leave him alone" I yelled. "I just want to beat him" he laughed. "For what" I asked. "Fucking you, you know babe" rubbed his finger on my cheek. "Thats my job" he said. "Fuck you" I said pushing his hand away.

Turn looking for Two-bit but he already left. Suddenly time wrapped his arms around my waist. Holding on to me really right. "You don't mean that babe" he smirked as he slid his hands down my pants.

"STOP LET GO OF ME" yelled. "No way you're mine sweetheart" he laughed loudly proclaiming what hes going t do to me.

I punched and kicked, by hes just too much for me. "What are you going to do about it huh?" He said holding me down on the ground.

I screamed for Dally two-bit someone. He held me down and punched me in the gut and covered my mouth.

Suddenly another truck pulled up with more of the shepherd gang and socs?. All I thought was death, guns, gang rape "c'mere boys come see what I got" he laughed as the came over.

They punch and kicked me. I could feel worm hot blood driping down my face. I felt week I couldn't breath. "Shit RUN" a SOC said as they said.

I could here screams in pain and knuckles cracking. The trucks quickly speeded away. "Molly babe look at me" I could tell it even though I can't see. I've been kicked in the head to much.

"Fuck" Dally mumbled. My vision came back a small bit. Enough to see the whole gang.

I was leaning against the run down truck. My head was throbbing. Dally kneeled infront of me. "Babe you okay?" He said softly but with anger. I sniffled. "I.... don't..... I don't know I'm confused." I said real quietly.

"Dal they beat the living shit out of her, do you think she okay?" Steve said "shut the fuck up you smartass" he said raising his voice.

I looked down at my clothes to see it was blood filled. "C'mere" he said as he picked me up bridal style. I just wrapped my arms around his neck and barred my face in his chest trying not to cry....

the outsiders fanfiction "bad to the bone"Where stories live. Discover now