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Its been months and months since molly left and one again I'm scared to death.

I had the boys come over, well because I'm bored out of my mind. And also ponyboy is real close to molly and so is Emily but her and ponyboy broke up.

"So ah why did you and the Mrs devorce" two-bit joked.

Pony rolled his eyes.


As the boys messed with ponyboy Dally was looking Pail and didn't look to hot.

"Dally you okay?" Darry asked as he sat on the ground with Jackson.

"You ain't worried are you?"
He says stopping at tug of war with Jackson.



"Okay so what if I'm worried, tats my fucking wife out there. She saving are ass's, she may never come back and none of you are worried or care besides ponyboy" he said raising his voice in anger.

"No Dally we all care a lot"
Steve says puting down his beer that he had drank from.

"Sure" Dally scoffed.

"Dally didn't she say not to worry, right so why worry" Darry points out.

Dally leaned up against the wall and rubbed his face and kinda growled when suddenly the door gained a knock at it.
Dally grew a not a full on smile more like a smirk........

the outsiders fanfiction "bad to the bone"Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat