pt 17

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Dally slowly layed me down on the couch in ponyboys house. I felt sick, but that's probably because I was kicked so many times.

"You feel batter now moll" dal asked. I sat up. "I think so" I said with a raspy voice. He pushed back my hair. "I can.....barely breath" I said.

And I couldn't. I feel like an elephant is sitting on my chest. "Its alright babe just relax." He said calmly as he kneeled next to me and held my hand.

"I didn't know Dallas Winston could be so calm and soft" a random girl said who looked familiar. Dally looked at me to her as I looked at him to her too. "And who are you Young lady?" He asked with a smirk.

I gave a small laugh that kinda hurt. "Oh hehe sorry I'm that girl you helped this morning" he said. "Yeah but what your name?" I asked. "Emily"

((hah you know who you are))

I just smiled I feel like a couldn't talk or I was going to throw up. "Come on Emily I'll show you around" pony says grabbing her hand.

I look at dal who has a frown on his face. "Babe what wrong" I said pushing his hair back. He looked around to see where all the boys were. Of course they were I the kitchen probably eating cake.

I look back at Dally go see a fear go down his face. I've never seen him cry befor. It mad me sad really sad to see him or anyone of the gang cry. "Babe?" I said softly. "Fuck, why did they have to do this to you. Why." He cried harder.

I sat up more I crossed my legs. I did it real slow cuz it hurt like hell. "Dally babe I'm okay" "no you're not look at you" he says as his face turned red in anger. "Dally please." "Just tell me why they did this to you" he said. " I can't tell you or...." "Or what babe you can tell me anything" hr said putting his hand on my leg.

I sighed. "I cant help you I you don't tell me" "no it held if you don't know" I say. He looked me straight in the eye with his dark cold but caring eyes.

"Tim....he said if I tell he'll hurt you badly" I say. Dally knew I ment killing. "He going to hurt you for you know.... Fucking me....and if I stopped with you and do it with him he'll leave you alone"

He looked at me with his eyes going down His face. I began to cry. "I'm so sorry babe. Didn't mean no harm" I cryed nd shook my head.

He got up an sat on the edge of the couch and hugged me. "Its alright babe." He cried. It hurt how tight he was hugging me by I liked it.

Soon after we got to the bar. Dally helped me because of course I was in excruciating pain. The bar was empty because it was 4:05 am.

We got in the door and saw buck sitting at the var waiting for us...well just me anyways. "Well....well...look what the cat dragged in" he said falling his foot. All I know is that this isn't a good sign........

the outsiders fanfiction "bad to the bone"Where stories live. Discover now