pt 13

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I slammed my books and jacket on the ground. "HEY LEAVE HIM ALONE" I yelled and walked over to them. "What did you say" he yelled. "I'm sorry, GET YOUR GOD DAMN HANDS OFF THEM YOU PIECE OF SHIT" I YELLED. "AND WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT GI Joe" he laughed as he put his and on my cheek.

I look over at Two-bit fighting a SOC. I pulled him close to me like I was going to kiss him.

I suddenly rammed my knee into his croch really hard it made him scream and cry. I looked at the other socs. "WHAT!" I yelled as they ran.

As they ran I realized there was a teacher standing behind them watching the whole thing. I look at Two-bit and sigh. "You two in My office now" he said pointing to us. I rolled My eyes and walked to his office.

He Slammed the door. "Okay you two what the fuck is going on!! Huh!!" He yelled. "What does it look like we were doing? Protecting them" I said. "DONT BE A SMARTASS. YOU WERE AN EXAMPLE FOR THIS SCHOOL. YOU KNOW SERVING ARE COUNTRY. But now not so much" he yelled in my face. I clenched my first. "Now you are just a pussy. A scared little pussy you know that. (Two-bit) he screamed in Molly's face. I can tell she was getting mad. I look down and looked at her. Her fists were gripping tighter and tighter. "MOLLY DON'T!!" I yelled....

the outsiders fanfiction "bad to the bone"Where stories live. Discover now