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"Oh my god" I said rubbing my face.


"Two lines." I sighed.

"That means yes?"

I nodded slowly.
I can't believe this. I'm only 18 I mean woman get pregnant at 24 or something and I'm not even 20.

"What am I going to do Im not ready. I completely doubt dallys ready. He might even be cheating on me god I don't know" I cried.


That night it was about 2:00pm and I was I'm bed awake. Dally came in and got in bed. He put his arm around me. I pushed it off.

"Babe what's wrong?"

"Hm? Nothing" I sighed in anger but sadness.

He sat up. "Babe"

"Dally I said I'm okay so I'm okay" I yelled with tears going down my cheeks.

"oh my go Molly" he said wiping my tears..

I slapped his hand away.
"Dally" I sighed..

He looked at me right in my eyes. "A... A..... Are you cheating on me?" I asked sniffling. "He looked down. "Are you?" I asked again. He sighed and looked down.

"You are arnt you!!" I cried.

"What no....no babe" he said holding me.

"Then what's going on Dally you are acting so weird latly"

"So are you"

"I have a reason to"

"Yeah and why's that."

"DALLY!! Don't change the subject" I yelled.

"Okay, I've been working".

I laughed. " Dally this aint a game!!"

He smiled. "I'm not kidding"

"Now why the hell would Dallas Winston work" I say.

He smiled and stood up. He took both of my hands as he kneeled on the ground.

"Dally!?" I said scared.

"For this" he said as he pulled out a diamond ring.

"Oh Dally i--"

"Don't say anything. I love you only you forever. I want to forever. I wanna show you forever, " he says

"So Molly will you marry me?" He said with a worried yet happy smile.

I started to cry.

I nodded very fast. And jumped up and hugged him.
"I love you"
"I love you too" I cried.

I can't believe this. He want cheating he was just.....oh god I love him.....

But now how am I supposed to break the news to him. I don't know. I fucked up.....

the outsiders fanfiction "bad to the bone"Where stories live. Discover now