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First and foremost, I have the best brain ninja skills known to man, as Dane Cook would say. Everything is humorous to me and I tend to laugh when no one else does. So bare with me, kindly, I have eighty friends on Facebook, nineteen are pending. I can be serious but inside I'm always laughing and so should you!

It amazed me how I could still get up early with the animal neighbors I have. The funny thing is, my neighbor happens to be my best friend's boyfriend. She's a little slut right?

We have lived in our quaint little beach house for two years now, my best friend Lacee and I. I have always put my best friend first and that is how it will always be. We work together, we live together, and we do a lot of things together. She really has become my sister over the last ten years.

I stretched as I waited for the coffee pot to finish. Note to self, really is time to upgrade the thing. My gaze shifted to the animal jumping around me, my Boston Terrier, Twitch. He always makes me smile and I can never feel lonely with him always in my face. I made my coffee and parted from the kitchen to the back door. I stepped out after Twitch almost tripped me, my eyes automatically going into a glare until I saw him meet with Deuce, Lacee’s Min Pin. I looked over to the balcony next to mine and waved, taking a sip of my coffee, to Lacee and Taylor. I nearly spit out my coffee when I saw another head turn, they had a friend over with them. I stood in embarrassment in my booty short panties and a sports bra, letting a cheeky grin out before turning back inside to change, catching Lacee make her way over out of the corner of my eye. I grabbed the nearest thing which happened to be my girl board shorts and slipped them on with one hand.

Lacee stood on the porch with amusement, “What are you getting dressed for bitch. We were enjoying the show.”

I looked to her with a plain face, “I really didn’t expect anyone to be over this early. You look like shit. I guess you guys are still up partying?” I walked back out and glanced at Taylor’s balcony again.

Her eyes were glossy and my nostrils were filled with the smell of stale beer. She wrapped an arm around me with a laugh, “Yea. You will never guess what… Taylor has a brother.”

“And you’re just finding this out now?” I raised an eyebrow looking from her to the two guys on the other balcony, who were too far away to hear our conversation.

“Whaaaaaa. No...... I knew. I just didn’t think you needed to know.” Lacee shrugged as if it were no big deal.

“Until now?” My eyebrow perched up on it;s own accord.

“Welllll.. He just moved in next door. So now you should know. He’s super hot, him and Tay have a lot of similarities. He got in yesterday, he well, who cares. He’s here now.” Lacee nudged me as curiousity bubbled inside of me.

Her face seemed to dim. I couldn’t quite make it out, but one thing I did know, if she was going to tell me something she would and if she wasn’t I knew not to press the issue.

I nodded, “Well then, looks like you can finally get your threesome with two guys.” I teased, I knew she would be grossed out.

She gasped and let me go, pushing me slightly, “That’s why you don’t have a boyfriend.” she pointed at me.

“I don’t have a boyfriend because I’m too busy with work. You know that thing I do to make our money?” I said matter of factly, my hands gazing my hips in a  stance to prove my point.

“Hey! I’m offended!” Lacee pouted, “I do a lot of work when you need me too and I work my ass off too. Just because you’re the mastermind behind all the events doesn’t make my role less vital.”

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