My Baby Lennon

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John Imagine :||

This isn't happening!

You clutched your stomach, groaning at the increasing pain there. You were only 7 months pregnant, but it seemed as if the baby was coming sooner then expected.

John wasn't home. You had no help. You couldn't reach the phone. This was it. You'd have to give birth by yourself.

You screamed in pain.

"Y/N!?" cried your confused husband. You wailed, and soon, John was beside you. "Love, share wrong? What's happening?!"

Oh, nothing. Just the baby is coming two months early and it really hurts. No big deal, sweetheart.

"THE BABY! ITS COMING!" is all you could scream. John didn't hesitate. He picked you up, and sat you in the car.

He held your hand as you screamed in pain, squeezing it rather hard. He didn't complain. He let you hold his hand.

You arrived at the hospital, where you were put onto a gurney. The nurses wheeled you into a room, where you waited. John waited with you, tears brimming his eyes.

"It's okay, John. I'm ok- OWWW!" you wailed.

A doctor arrived, and he looked down at you. "Ready?" he asked.


"Your C-Section." the doctor replied.

"Wait, what?"

"Well, you see Mrs. Lennon, the umbilical cord is too short. You can't push your baby out. This is the safest option. Are you ready?"

You nodded, and you were wheeled off.

You awoke to a smiling John, holding a little pink bundle in his arms.

"It's a girl." he smiled.

Little Tabitha was born 02•07•66.

And you two were proud parents.

The End.
Dedicated to give_peace_a_chance , she's super amazing! Please Vote and Comment! I loves you all! 😘✌🏻️❤️

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