Love Through a Screen

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Jack yawned tiredly in his bed, stretching his arms out as he slowly woke up. The Irish YouTuber sat up on his bed, running his hand through his messy bed hair.

Jack sighed, the first thing that came to mind was confessing his feeling to Mark. "Why the fuck is this so hard all of the sudden?! We've already done so much that says we like each other" He thought to himself. The frustration was unbearable.

Immediately after getting out of bed, Jack logged onto his computer, opening up Skype. Mark is definitely a morning person, considering the fact that he'd wake up at 5:30am to tweet on Twitter that he likes rain.

Jack smiled brightly and pumped his fist when he called Mark on Skype, and Mark answered it.

Mark's hair was just as messy as Jack's was. He was wearing a blue t-shirt, not wearing his glasses.

Mark yawned a little "Morning Jack! I didn't know you wake up this early!".

Come to think of it, Jack had no idea what time it actually was, but he didn't care. Plus, their time zones are mildly different anyway.

"Y-Yeah! I just..... Really needed to.. Uh.... Ask you something" Jack replied, rubbing his right arm.

Mark gave a handsome, friendly smile "ask away!".

Jack nodded, taking a deep breath "ok ok. Back to what I was trying to say yesterday I guess..".

Mark's eyes widened a little. That definitely woke him up. "O-Oh...".

Jack blushed and looked down "Fuck it. I'll get to the point" he kept his eyes away from Mark "I....I really like you, Mark. I don't know why I didn't tell you that last week..." He mumbled the last part.

Mark smiled in relief, feeling like a whole ton of bricks lifted off of his shoulders "that's ok, Jack. I like you a lot too..".

Jack quickly lifted his head up "R-Really?".

Mark chuckled a little and nodded "of course! What's not to love about you, man!" He responded, holding his arms out in expression "you're hilarious, super sweet, handsome, and just awesome!".

Jack's blush darkened a little "Aw, nah you're way cooler than I am!".

Mark shook his head with a smile "So uh... Does this mean we're...?"

Jack laughed a little "like you said, 'Septiplier confirmed'!".

Mark nodded "Just never dated a guy before".

Jack's smile faded a little "Well, th-that's ok! I mean, I never have either! First time for everything, right?". Jack's words were meant to reassure Mark, but he was really just reassuring himself. He was totally nervous about this situation and how people would react.

Mark smiled and nodded in agreement "can't argue with that!".

"So, we really are dating?" Jack asked, just wanted to be 100% sure.

Mark kept his smile and nodded, his arms crossed over his chest.

Jack sighed a little "Geez, wish I could hug ya".

Mark nodded, his smile fading "yeah. We've got Skype, at least".

Jack shrugged with a little nod.

"Should we tell our fans we're dating now?".

Jack's eyes widened a little "Ehh... No... Not yet".

Mark shrugged and nodded "Ok. I'll keep quiet about it then. I'll talk to you later, everyone's gonna get mad if I don't start uploading the day's videos".

Jack laughed a little "Yeah. Good idea. I should go too".

Mark gave Jack an honest, loving smile "love you, ya goober".

Jack blushed "love you more" he teased with a confident smile.

Mark chuckled and rolled his eyes with an amused smile, blowing Jack a kiss before ending the Skype call.

Jack's smile stayed, even after Mark closed Skype. He sat back in his chair, the sweet fuzzy feeling in his stomach very apparent. He loves Markiplier, and Mark feels the same exact way.

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