A Special Child

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Ruby Redfort's green eyes, which were, in fact, different shades of green if you looked closely, snapped open with the beeping of her cuckoo alarm clock on her bedside table, which was already packed full of lots of different types of phones - one in particular, a squirrel in a tux, was her favourite and it was used specially for calling three people; one, her family's housekeeper, Ms. Digby, who more often than not didn't pick up. She had come from a "poor" family and cared very little for this type of technology. In all fact, she didn't care much for any technology, other than her beloved television. Two, Hitch, a top class secret agent turned Redfort's house manager, or "butler" as Sabina Redfort commonly referred to him. He was usually in the house and he had other methods of contacting her, most specifically through Ruby's "Baker" watch. This watch was mainly used for getting Ruby out of nasty situations (an almost commonplace now) and communicating with Spectrum. The watch had previously belonged to Bradley Baker, a genius kid super agent with bags of talent. He had started as a kid and ended his career as a man. He had come to an abrupt (and tragic) end in a plane crash, so therefore died a hero's death. His legacy forever bugged Ruby and would till her grave. She was determined to become a better code breaker as he had been and at least as good as agent as him. The third person and pretty much the person who took up 90 percent of her phone conversations (Elaine Lemon was 5 percent and the other part was often calls that got her into trouble, ie. Spectrum trouble), was Clancy Crew, a scrawny boy of the same age as her who was her best and closest friend. He was possibly the most loyal person on the planet, let alone the most loyal boy. And it was this boy who Ruby thought of now. She wanted to meet him at the Double Donut for a big breakfast before the doom and gloom of Monday school. But she had to be quick. She sat up and walked to her cupboard, pulling clothes out at random, leaving them strewn around the room before she found the perfet combination of jeans and a t-shirt with a often-vulgar slogan or phrase on it. Today's t-shirt printed the words school's a bore written on it. She picked up the phone and dialed the Crew mansion.

"Clancy, meet you at the Diner in ten." and with that brief instruction, Ruby slammed the receiver down and struggled into her worn out clothes, which were still in no danger of been outgrown. Ruby had hardly grown two inches since she was ten, and was very happy to stay at her height of five foot one. Ruby thought that there was nothing wrong with being short, it's just you had to use your height to your advantage, that was all. She checked her watch. She had eight minutes left before she was due to be at the diner. She skipped down the stairs two at a time and spotted her regular blend of juice on the table.

"Nice one buster." she muttered, drinking the drink while shoving her homework in her bag.

"Can I take that, kid?" came a voice. Ruby nodded and handed her empty glass to an amused Hitch.

"Going somewhere?"

"I fancy a proper breakfast this morning." Hitch laughed,

"Okay Miss High and Mighty, but I remember a certain kid telling me that breakfast was the most important meal of the day and yet here you are spoiling it."

"Yeah, yeah." answered Ruby slinging her bag over her shoulder and running for the door, pausing only to grab her sweater. The weather was growing cold as they entered November and winter was showing signs of an early appearance.

"Don't forget the jumper, kid!" called Hitch.

"Got it!" Ruby shouted back. And then she was out in the cool air and off to the Double Diner.

And that's Ruby Redfort's life. And it was about to get worse.

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