Dan Is Not On Fire

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Ruby stormed into her house. She was mad at Dan for not doing his job properly. She was mad at Clancy for not telling her about their discussion. But most of all, she was afraid. Dan was being overly emotional and worried about her. He hadn't acted at all like a professional. She was going to give him a piece of her mind. But what she was really worried about was the little part of her that told her Dan liked her. A lot. She had forgotten the time in the car, she had swept it aside like it was nothing and had thought no more of it. But now it was back to bite her, and it stung a lot. Another reason why Ruby was angry was because Dan was always trying to protect her, to keep her safe. Ruby didn't want that. She relished adventure and danger, and an under pressure Ruby was the best kind of Ruby. If you were caught between a rock and a hard place, Ruby was person to bail you out. She didn't need someone watching her, worrying about her, saving her from every spot of danger. She had Hitch for that, and in Ruby's opinion, he was irreplaceable when it came to rescuing her. Ms. Digby called a hello from the kitchen and Ruby yelled a hi back, trying to keep the anger out of her voice. She stomped up the stairs and went into Dan's room without knocking. He was sitting on his bed reading a book about Quantum Physics. He looked up and flashed her a smile that melted her insides, but Ruby put this feeling to one side.
"You aren't behaving like a respectable agent." She barked at him. Dan could see she was fuming, and his smile wavered.
"I beg your pardon?"
"You talked to Clancy about the fact I was ignoring you, you breached Spectrum rules, just so you could find out what was up with me." Dan sighed.
"Ruby, I was trying to protect you-" this was the worst possible thing he could have said.
"I don't need protecting." Insisted Ruby in a loud voice. "I have solved five cases, all of which I came out very much alive from, and don't need someone who barely knows me to save me."
"This is a new case," argued Dan, "you have found nothing of interest. You got someone killed. You have no leads at all. And most of all, you can't even see when two people are so besotted with you that we'd jump in front of a million bullets for you." Ruby opened her mouth, to loudly object, but the last sentence shut her up for a long moment.
"No one is in love with me Dan. Why should I trust your judgement." Dan lowered his voice.
"I am not a bad judge of character Ruby." An incredulous expression came over Ruby's face.
"You've known me for less than a month. You've gone out of your way to make sure I was alright. You've acted like you are a six year old. Dan, I don't care a bit for you and your stupid agency. I don't why I ever needed your help in the first place. I can do this by myself, with no distractions." Dan hesitated.
"I know you don't care about me. That is obvious." Ruby was doing a great impression of an erupting volcano.
"Then why do you keep trying to get me to care!" Dan lost his cool.
"Because," he yelled, "when you are in love things like indifference don't matter to you!"
"How would you know!" Screamed Ruby right back at him.
"For gods sake Ruby." Said Dan. He seemed to lose the fight in him. "You aren't that blind are you?" And suddenly Ruby saw it. Where this conversation was going. You could have knocked her down with a feather.
"Really?" She whispered.
"Really." Snapped Dan. And he got up to leave. Throwing open the door he turned around. "There was no way I was going to ever be anything to you. Clancy is the only person I will bet who can make you feel like you are wanted." Ruby felt like screaming. She felt like kicking the life slowly out of Dan. She never wanted to see his handsome face ever again. The door slammed shut, but Ruby threw it open again moments later and ran all the way to her bedroom. She fell face down on her bed, and burst into tears.
Sorry for the title pun. Just saying I am a complete novice when it comes to writing romance, so I don't have a clue if this was good or not.

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