A Chapter for Clancy

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Clancy Crew sat at his usual seat at the Double Donut. He had received a note left by an anonymous person to meet him in the diner two minutes from now. Clancy's first thought was that it was Ruby, but his intuitiveness had soon made him realise Ruby wouldn't be so secretive. Now he worried and fidgeted in his seat, not even the glorious smell coming from the kitchen could relinquish his appetite.
"Here ya go, Mr. Crew. A stack of pancakes with maple syrup, whipped cream and blueberries. Anything else you want?" Clancy looked up at Mouse's face. She had always wanted to work in the diner and was relishing the opportunity to take on the role of a waitress on weekends. Clancy half smiled. She looked so eager to do his bidding.
"Chocolate sauce please." Mouse nodded happily and skipped back to the kitchen, undoubtably going to get Clancy the best chocolate sauce there was. Clancy's attention was diverted back to the door. He hardly noticed Mouse plonk a bottle of chocolate sauce on his table triumphantly, and didn't say a word when she convinced him to give a dollar as a tip. He was beginning to pick at his pancakes when the door squealed open. Clancy's head shot up. And ice trickled into his heart. It was the new guy from school, Ruby's 'friend' who was visiting from London. Dan. Clancy was ninety percent sure he was a Spectrum agent, or some sort of spy. If he was meeting him here it might of meant two things; a, Ruby was suffering from a fatal injury or was already dead, or b, he had discovered Clancy's knowledge of Spectrum and come to take him away to ensure Clancy wouldn't tell a soul about it. Clancy began to wring his hands under the table. He wasn't sure which situation was worse. The agent guy flashed him a white toothed smile from across the table as he took a seat across from Clancy. Clancy took one look at his bulging biceps and knew that he couldn't do an inch of damage to him, not even if his life depended on it. Clancy flinched slightly as Dan dropped his bag on the floor and leaned across the table.
"Clancy Crew, am I right?" Clancy nodded dumbly. Dan relaxed a bit.
"Cool. I just wanted to talk about Ruby." It seemed Clancy's worst fears had been confirmed.
"Is she alright?" He whispered. Dan laughed.
"Oh she's just fine. At least she was the last time I saw here a couple hours ago. That is to say, she's fine apart from the fact she seems very distracted." Clancy frowned.
"In what way is she distracted?"
"Oh, we were working on an assignment given to us by a teacher. She hardly gave us any information, so we had very little to work with. When we got home she locked herself in her room and said she needed space." Dan didn't hesitate at all before answering, yet Clancy knew that Ruby was on an assignment. It was comforting to know that she had a reason for behaving so oddly, but even so Ruby was never this bothered by them. Clancy had been afraid that Ruby was worried about the time he had kissed her. Clancy, as usual, had let his feelings run away from him at that particular moment, and had promised himself he would from then on keep himself in check.
"Anyway," Dan was saying, "I'm wondering if you know why at all she is worried or distracted." Clancy shook his head. He honestly had no clue. Dan offered an apologetic smile.
"I'm sorry, I wouldn't normally ask such a personal thing, but I'm worried you know?" Clancy did know.
"Did you do anything to her which might have made her so worried." Dan appeared to think, but Clancy saw through the disguise. Dan had hesitated.
"No." He replied. To Dan's credit he had lied incredibly well. But not much got past Clancy Crew at all, and he stored away the bit of information for his confrontation with Ruby that he was plotting. Dan looked at Clancy, and the boy immediately looked worried.
"I'm not from around here, I'm from London actually, so I don't know what the custom is. Maybe I offended her in some way." A lightbulb went off in Clancy's head. Dan was actually from London, he wasn't a Spectrum agent, which explained why he was so different. He must be MI5, thought Clancy, but that's funny, Ruby said Spectrum never work with anybody else. It must be a pretty big incident to get him over here. Clancy nodded sympathetically.
"Maybe. I'll talk to her if you want." Dan hesitated again. Then shrugged.
"Sure, she'll probably appreciate some more company." Clancy grinned,
"Im sure she'll be fine talking to me."
I should really write about Clancy more often...

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