Flies in Her Head

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Ruby found a quiet corner in the Double Donut and pulled out LB's file from her satchel. She placed a casual hand over the name of the file as Marla crossed the cafe to her table. She look mildly surprised.
"Hey Ruby, why aren't you sitting where you always sit? I thought you liked to make sure we're making the right food?" Ruby smiled her sweetest smile.
"Oh Marla, you've been taking orders from me since I could crawl. You've never messed up an order before." Marla's eyes narrowed.
"This doesn't have anything to do with Clancy does it?" Ruby was thrown.
"No, why?"
"He's been very silent and tired looking every day he comes here. He always visits in the mornings you know, and doesn't leave till seven fifty five. I asked him what was up and he said that things weren't so good with you and him at the moment and he didn't know why. He said that he's always stay till the last possible moment in case you arrive. I think he just wants to talk." Ruby pushed down her guilt and smiled a hugely as possible.
"Oh Clance is just being melodramatic, it's hardly surprising..." Suddenly Ruby was transported back to the wall she and Clancy had sat on. She could feel the sun on her back and Clancy's beating heart when she put her surprised hands on his chest when he had kissed her-
"Ruby?" Asked Marla, "You ok? You zoned out for a second there." Ruby nodded dumbly.
"Fine. I'll have the usual lunch Marla." The waitress set off back towards the kitchen, shaking her head. She wasn't the brightest, but anyone could see something was troubling Ruby. Meanwhile, Ruby set aside the conversation and went back to the file. She needed complete focus for the task ahead. Every single word in this file was important. She opened it and the first thing she saw was LB's general information. Ruby scanned through it and found nothing she didn't kinda know already. LB was touching forty and was 5 foot 2 inches etc. She set this aside and turned to the next bit in the file. It was an interview for LB's application as head of Spectrum.
Interviewer: Good morning.
LB: Good morning.
Interviewer: I have only three questions. Do you feel you could influence Spectrum and make executive decisions?
LB: I don't doubt myself, if that is what you are asking.
Ruby's mouth lifted slightly. LB sounded almost like her.
Interviewer: Do you agree to the statement: agency before agents?
LB: I have very few other interests.
Interviewer: Last question: why do you want to be head of Spectrum.
LB: To find Bradley.
Ruby frowned. Find? Find? As far as she knew, Bradley Baker had died on a trip back from Switzerland health check. Perhaps LB had been grasping at straws.
Interviewer: (looks surprised)....
Ruby's mind spiralled out of control again, images from the scene on the wall flashing by faster than she could blink. She put her head in her hands and rubbed her eyes. It was going to be a long read.

Sorry for not updating for a while, start of school, blah, blah, blah. I just wanted to mention that for anyone who is interested in reading the 6th and final book in this series (I can't believe it) then it is out on the 6th of October on Amazon and is available for pre order now. It sounds very dire, Ruby is on the run and all these people are trying to kill her, including the double agent from the last book (not Blacker). As one of you pointed out, the book is called Blink and You Die. I can't wait, but I am slightly worried that Hitch might be the double agent. I seriously hope not... What do you reckon?

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