A Meeting

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LB sat forward in her chair, fingers knitted together, brow furrowed. Ruby wondered if Bradley Baker ever found himself in the same situation. He must have been pretty terrified if he had.
"What is going on, Redfort. I need to know. Now." Ruby opened her mouth, but hesitated,
"There's no solid evidence LB, it's just a theory." LB pursed her lips.
"Two agents have died in two days. Both were murdered. One of them was accused of the murder of the other. Then died. Tell me Redfort."
"Well..." Ruby was unsure where to start, so Hitch gave her a hand.
"Ruby found that there was something stolen during every case she was on. Menhir was killed in a high frequency blast. Ruby was wondering if it was a high frequency whistle stolen from the stock. Blacker was killed by a gun shot. Maybe it was shot out of the Baker gun, stolen under the same circumstances. Froghorn was under a truth telling serum, like the one stolen by the Count during the giant squid episode." LB narrowed her eyes,
"What are you saying here?" Ruby saw the opening in the conversation and took it,
"Froghorn was involved, but maybe not entirely consciously. He was vague in his description of who he was working for, just mentioned a handsome man." LB tensed up. Ruby was curious, "Something the matter LB?" The head of Spectrum waved her away,
"I'm fine. Your theory is...interesting. When you come up with more of this explanation, tell me."
"But LB-"
"Meeting adjourned." She said firmly, "You may go." Hitch stood and directed Ruby out of the room. She was annoyed at LB. The head of Spectrum knew something, and she wasn't telling Ruby. It could be something important, then LB would be guilty in the act of withholding information. But there had to be a reason. Spectrum was facing the biggest attack they'd ever had, and LB wouldn't hesitate to reveal anything to Ruby. Unless... Ruby again put that away to mull over later. When she got home, she went straight for the kitchen. She could smell Mrs. Digby's cookies. With the usual glass of banana milk and a horde of cookies, Ruby stomped up to her room to finish that crime novel. But not before Mrs. Digby handed her a note without a word and went back to the washing up. Ruby stared at it in surprise, she had never got a note before. Shrugging, she fell onto the sofa to read it. It was typewriter printed and it said,
'The back alley of Cherry's, noon.' Ruby glanced at the clock. It was twelve minutes past eleven. She was immediately suspicious. How did someone know she would be home by twelve? Instinctively, she glanced around. It was a trap, for sure. So Ruby did she would normally do. She pulled her trainers back on and exited out the back door.
Sorry for the short chapter, we'll have two or three more, then we will be at the Finale. Don't worry. It'll be at least six parts, plus a couple of extra chapters on the end. No epilogue because I want to keep Ruby and Clancy's story open, not because I am going to write a sequel (I am not), but because I don't want to decide it, I will leave that to your imagination. If you want more Cluby, I might add a couple of one shots at the end of this book if you want it.

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