First Day At School

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When Ruby's alarm clock went off the next morning, she groaned. She groaned for two reasons. One, the fact that it was a Tuesday, which was the second furthest day away from Friday and Ruby could see no bright side of that. Two, was the fact that she would have to take Agent 932 into school, much to her friends amusement, surely. In fact she hadn't even bothered to ask the MI5 guy what his name was and simply shown him to his room that Hitch had allocated, said the quickest goodnight possible, and disappeared upstairs and locked her door. Her yellow books had needed updating. Ruby that morning threw on what she usually wore (You've Grown In Nothing But Sense read her T-Shirt) and jumped down the stairs two at a time to go to 932's room to tell him to get up, but when she knocked and entered, the room was empty. Everything was tidy and in the right places, save his suitcase, tucked in the wardrobe. Ruby ventured further downstairs to hear voices from the kitchen and curiously walked in to see Ms. Digby serving up bacon and eggs for Agent 932 and chattered to him constantly. Agent 932 was responding in a very polite and smiling manner which infuriated Ruby more. She scowled as she put two slices of bread in the toaster and rolled her eyes.
"Good morning Ruby." Said Agent 932,
"Bacon and eggs?" Much as Ruby loved bacon and eggs, she shook her head.
"I prefer toast this morning." 932 winked.
"I see." He said.
"Excuse me while I vomit." Ruby muttered, but not loud enough for the agent staying to hear. If he winks at me again, I will squash him like a pancake, she thought. It was at that moment that the bread popped up from the toaster and Ruby's attention was turned to the backside of the piece of toast. The writing on it had got her excited, but it was simply a message from Hitch saying "have fun and good luck with your new friend! :)" Ruby frowned.
"Since when can you do smiley faces." She said aloud.
"Huh?" Asked Agent 932. Ruby ate her piece of toast hurriedly and grabbed him, tearing him away from his plate.
"Come on, school time."
Once the agent and Ruby got into the open and onto the street, Ruby started venting.
"Since when are you allowed to become an acting member of our family?" She inquired. The agent looked confused.
"What do you mean?" Ruby kicked at a piece of trash.
"Never mind." Then a thought struck her.
"What's you name? I mean, your real name. Not your agent number." The agent smiled.
"Glad you asked. It's Daniel." Ruby sighed.
"Okay, now don't talk to me for the rest of the walk." Daniel opened his mouth, but Ruby put a finger to her lips. Zip it was the clear message.
When they arrived at the school gate, 10 minutes early, which was a weird occurrence for Ruby, they were greeted by a relieved looking Clancy Crew.
"Ruby!" He said as he pulled to a halt in front of them.
"Why weren't you..." Then he noticed Daniel.
"Who's this?" He asked. Ruby put on a sarcastic smile.
"Oh, this is my dear friend Daniel, he is an exchange student from England, and honestly I haven't known such an enjoyable person in my life."
"Oh." Said Clancy awkwardly.
"Well I'll just leave you two to chat." And he walked off, looking much deflated and subdued. Ruby groaned.
"I'm quite sure that was sarcasm." Muttered Daniel.
"Isn't it obvious?" Replied Ruby.
"He didn't get it." Daniel pointed out. Ruby gave him one of her scowls that she normally reserved for LB when she didn't have her way (she was beginning to use it more often than not) and stomped off to class muttering something about idiot boys.
I am so, so, so sorry for not updating, I have been too busy...fangirling and watching HTGAWM. I recently discovered the show and it is AMAZING. But anyhow, here's the update, hope you enjoy it. Hope the next part will come soon! (Though I doubt it)

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