Four Times Mouse Got It Wrong And The One Time She Got It Right

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"C'mon Mouse," groaned Ruby, "I really need the violin back by tonight, I've got a recital which I have to perform in front of my parents and their honoured guests. Please tell Red to return it as soon as possible." Mouse looked upset.
"I'm sorry Rube, the violin, it, ah..." Ruby sighed. It wasn't a why-did-I-lend-Red-my-violin kind of sigh it was a more of a sigh of defeat. Ruby knew she would be lucky to get back the violin at all, let alone tonight, and she highly doubted it would be in one piece. She didn't really blame Red. The violin was a precision instrument, and Ruby was not entirely sure why Red had chosen it, but she had, and suddenly Ruby felt her good girl persona that her parents saw in her slipping away. Mouse suddenly brightened.
"Hey...wanna game of ping pong?"
Ruby buried her head in her hands and wondered how Mouse could think of ping pong in this moment of blind panic.

Clancy Crew sunk lower into his seat and pulled his hood further over his head. He turned the page of his book for the first time in ten minutes and discreetly sipped at his smoothie. He was immensely regretting his unconscious decision to sit with his back to the door, but changing his seat would draw attention...
"Clancy!" Exclaimed Mouse. Clancy jumped five feet into the air. "Boy, Clance, you alright? You look awfully pale." Continued Mouse, as if Clancy hadn't been several beats away from a heart attack.
"Quite alright Mouse," replied Clancy, through gritted teeth. "Though I'd 'preciate if you kept it down." Mouse frowned and sat down opposite of him.
"What's wrong Clance? Is the French homework getting to ya? Where's Ruby?"
"No it's not the French," hissed Clancy, terror in his voice, "can you please keep it down?"
"Why?" Laughed Mouse, "someone out to..." She trailed off as Vapona Begwell made a beeline for Clancy's hunched form.
"So there you are..." she said, menacingly. Clancy moaned.

Del Lasco was late. Del was never late. Not for basketball games, that's for sure. But Del had been so preoccupied with her Science project that she hadn't noticed the time, and now she was running down the street as fast as her legs could carry her to the bus stop (but she was still going to be late). Del was so preoccupied she didn't notice Mouse until she ran straight into her. "Sorry!" Gasped Del, winded, and she helped up a stunned Mouse.
"It's okay." Replied Mouse, dusting herself off, half amused. "Hey, you going to see the movie later?"
"Yes I am." Replied Del, her eyes already on the bus stop, "Listen Mouse, I gotta run..."
"I've heard it's really good," continued Mouse happily, "the reviews say..." Del desperately nodded along, hopping from foot to foot, anxious to get along. "We are getting popcorn right?" Mouse said, oblivious to Del's urgency to get moving, "Ruby is buying this time."
"Yes Mouse, but I really gotta run, I'm gonna miss the..." Del Lasco turned and there was the bus, pulling away from the station. She made a strangled kind of sound, and then deflated.
"See ya later!" Said Mouse with a grin. "Good luck in your basketball game." And she bounded off. Del shook her head. Mouse was one of her best friends, but that was one time too many when she just was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Ruby and Clancy made their way over to the lunch table, Clancy with his regular school lunch from the cafeteria, Ruby with her regular packed lunch, made with the combined effort of the deadly duo, Hitch and Mrs. Digby. They took their regular seats in the middle of the table, and greeted everyone.
"What are you guys doing after school?" Asked Ruby, biting into her Digby Club Sandwich.
"Del, Red and I are going to get some supplies for our camping trip next weekend." Explained Mouse, and Elliot looked up with interest. "Anyone else want to come?"
"I'll come." Volunteered Elliot, slurping his chocolate milk. "After all, I'm sure you need a strong man like myself to carry those tents." And he giggled. Del rolled her eyes.
"Whatever you say Macho Man. Rube? Clance?" Ruby and Clancy exchanged knowledgeable glances.
"We, ah, Ruby and I are going to movies. There's a re-run of Star Wars on and I've never seen it." Elliot gaped.
"You've never seen Star Wars?" Clancy shook his head.
"Well, have fun you two." Said Red loudly and pointedly. Ruby shook her head and groaned.
"C'mon Clancy, let's go to the library. I think they've got another Nancy Drew in." Del chuckled as they walked off. This was a lie, a rather transparent one, very unlike Ruby at all, as both parties knew very well that the library had all the Nancy Drew novels, and Ruby had read them all before she was six anyway.
"Look at them." Said Mouse dreamily,
"They look like a couple. Wouldn't it be great if they got together?" There was a loud silence at the table. Elliot risked peeking out from behind his hands and caught Del's eye. Her mouth twitched and Elliot lost it. Mouse really was helpless sometimes.

It was all over now, and for once in her life, Ruby felt like there was nothing left to worry about. No loose ends, no burning questions. She felt like this whole affair had been wrapped up tightly, like the end of an excellent book. But it wasn't a book and it wasn't the end, and Ruby felt like she was ready, the rest of her life extended out in front of her. No matter what happened later on, she had got through this mess, and she knew she could get through it again. She smiled at her five friends in the Donut Diner as they talked loudly amongst themselves. Clancy grinned back. He knew exactly what she was smiling about.
Pancakes came and went, and they all stood to leave. Elliot and Del were discussing how Hitch seemed to be a little more than a butler.
"Hitch behaves like some sorta secret agent." Pointed out Mouse, and Ruby raised her eyebrows. Clancy's jaw was clamped shut, but Ruby could see it quivering and she knew he was incredulous that Mouse had actually managed to be spot on. "Hey, maybe you should become a secret agent, you might be good at that stuff." Mouse said to Ruby, who did her best to keep the disbelief from her face. Clancy coughed loudly and covered his laughter by pretending to blow into his handkerchief.
"Yeah, that would be something." Agreed Ruby, and Clancy's muffled sneezes got louder, "but I don't think I'm quite cut out for it." Clancy couldn't hold in his laughter in his handkerchief any longer and doubled up. The four others looked at him, confused,
"Sorry," gasped Clancy, "the idea of Rube being a secret agent just really got me." Mouse shrugged and left with the others down into the town while Ruby and Clancy headed to Amster Green. As soon as they were gone, Ruby joined Clancy in his laughter. The irony of Mouse hitting the spot twice in a row was too great.
Yes, I am back writing everybody, and I hope you enjoyed this little penultimate one shot of this book (I will officially label this story complete when we hit fifty chapters, and next chapter will hopefully be very long and probably an insight into the potential futures of the characters.) This idea was from HappyDude010 , sorry it took so long, pal, writer's block has really pinned me down, but I'm here to stay ladies and gents, and again, I really hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Mouse's character wasn't explored in RR as much as it should of, so I decided to give her a couple of traits that you probably wouldn't see in the book, but I couldn't resist having an oblivious Mouse as the centrepiece of this story!

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