A Sign Of Things To Come

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Ruby woke up in the morning in a slightly better mood than the night before. Slightly. She decided to call off sick (Mrs. Digby did not notice that Ruby had tampered with the thermometer) and lay in bed feeling very sorry for herself. There was a sharp knock at the door.   "What?" asked Ruby loudly. Dan poked his head through the door and gave an awkward smile.
"I heard from Mrs. Digby that you were sick and I wanted to check on you after..." Ruby didn't want to hear any more and grunted her thanks and rolled over. But Dan didn't want to give up and stepped into the room. Ruby frowned at him from under the covers of her bed. He walked over to the other side of the bed and propped himself against the end of the bed. "Listen...Ruby. I understand how you feel. In England it's just as hard. I took an IQ test when I was six and my family found that I was a prodigy. Pretty soon, MI5 were on my tail. They wanted me to take part in their child program. I was seven. But I couldn't tell my family. And so to join the program, I had to make it seem like I had run away from my family because of all the pressure. They... never forgave themselves and I can't.." Dan took a deep shuddering breath, "Well, I can have no regrets. Maybe one day I will see them again, but for now... I have to focus on my job." Ruby, who was still under the covers was spellbound. Here was someone who had given up his whole life for working for the secret service and she was here moping about the potential loss of a friend. Her life seemed very mild compared to what Dan had been through. "So, could we work together? Just for the mission? The faster we finish it, the faster you can explain to Clancy, right? As the Chinese say, 'One person can break a stick, but with two people, it is much faster'. Deal?" Ruby sat up in bed and shook Dan's outstretched hand. "Deal." Ruby said. Dan smiled and stood up, "Excellent. After I come home from school today, LB wants us at HQ."


Hitch came up to Ruby's room when she was halfway through watching a wildlife show about lions. Hitch chuckled softly, "Enjoying the show?" Ruby rolled her eyes. "It's a bunch of nonsense. Hippopotamuses kill more people than lions do each year." Hitch handed Ruby some banana milk and cookies. "How did you get these of Mrs. Digby!" exclaimed Ruby, "She never gives me anything other than medicine when I'm sick!" Hitch winked.   "Mrs. Digby is currently investigating a swarm of cockroaches in the yard, so she won't be noticing a few missing cookies anytime soon." Ruby slurped at her banana milk. "Thanks Hitch." The agent looked bemused. "For what?" Ruby shrugged. "For everything. You've saved my skin so many times." Hitch grinned. "Well you've saved my reputation and job several times, so I guess we're kind of even." Ruby laughing, pulled the surprised agent into a tight hug.


Sorry for the short chapter, just wanted to get it out of the way so in the next chapter we can properly start on the mission.

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