Shut The Cake Hole

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The desert explorer stumbled in the vast sea of sand, the wind blowing against her face made it impossible to see and even breathing was challenging...
At least, that's what it felt like for Ruby as she grudgingly walked home. Dan, however, was on top form and had already raced ahead up the drive and into the house. Ruby kicked open the gate and dragged her bag along the gravel, not bothered to properly carry it anymore. The door opened and Hitch's curious face looked out. He smiled cheerily at the sight of a worn down Ruby.
"Come on Redfort, put your backside in it! You didn't go on all those camping trips for nothing." Hitch was of course referring to Ruby's agent training, but what caught Ruby's attention was the slightly too big grin on Hitch's face and the way his smile didn't quite reach his eyes. Sure enough, Hitch placed a hand on Ruby's shoulder on the way through the door and muttered for her ears only, "Meet in my office, ten minutes." Ruby nodded her affirmative and trudged into the kitchen. Grabbing herself some peanut butter cookies and banana milk, she took a seat on the couch and wondered what Hitch had wanted to speak to her about.
"I know this is,what? The second chat in as many days? But it's important." Ruby sat back in her chair and worked at her piece of bubblegum. This was her sign to Hitch to get on with it. Looking uncharacteristically nervous, the 'house manager' of the Redfort's leaned across the table.
"According to strict laws set by Spectrum and MI5, no one outside of the mission is allowed to be informed of the mission itself, and must be kept at bay for that reason." Ruby shrugged.
"You're quoting the rule book." Hitch smiled grimly,
"Exactly." Ruby's posture did not change, neither did she say anything, but she narrowed her eyes. Hitch took a deep breath.
"In short, you will not under any circumstances be allowed to tell or inform Clancy anything about this case, especially the identity of Dan." Ruby fell off her chair. Her eyes said it all.
"Let me explain -"
"-this should be good-" moaned Ruby,
"- listen, in a normal Spectrum operation, I would allow you to inform Clancy about the mission. I have complete and utter trust in him and that is not the reason why you are forbidden to say anything." Ruby's glance did not drop.
"But this is a Spectrum and MI5 operation, which means it involves 2 organisations, who are traditionally rivals. Spectrum have never operated outside the American system and to be frank, relations with MI5 aren't quite squeaky clean right now. This is the largest scale operation in our history and if MI5 find one of their agents identity has been compromised... They might pull the plug, best case scenario." Ruby pulled the chair back up and took a seat.
"So you see, this has to be kept a secret from the whole town. Especially Clancy." Ruby's stormy eyes looked into Hitch's normally cool blue eyes,
"What if, say, I accidentally let something slip. What happens if he finds out himself? You know what happened last time." Hitch took a few seconds to weigh up his answer.
"If Clancy finds out, and so does LB, what Spectrum does to him is out of my hands. They may sedate him, they might push for more answers, they may even take him to court. If you let slip, then I have no choice but to report to LB, and I think you know what would happen then." Bracing himself, Hitch looked up at Ruby, who was so angry she could hardly even speak.
"Don't worry, my badge will have been handed in long before that happens." Hitch tried to comfort her,
"When this investigation is over, you can tell Clancy all you want then, once MI5 have taken back Dan." Ruby's indignation reached its peak.
"This investigation will be over in a few years, Hitch, LB tells me so. You think a few years of Clancy dodging and cozying up to...that brat will make it likely for him to believe me? Tell me Hitch, what do you value more? Your friends and family? Or your top secret job?" And with that she stormed out the room. Outside, a strong arm grabbed hers. It was Dan.
"I am a brat, am I ?"
"Yes," Ruby spat, "you are."
"I must remind you that I am a fellow agent. Our collaboration is vital to this project." Dan's voice suddenly slipped out of the American twang and into a formal, professional British accent.
"That project can go to hell." Hissed Ruby and she shook her hand from his grasp and stomped up the stairs to her bedroom. She shut and locked the door, fell back on her bed and for the first time since she was one and a half, she started to cry. Outside Hitch and Dan stood outside her door.
"What's gone wrong?" Asked Dan, "I only heard the last bit of your conversation." Hitch inwardly pitied Dan and gave him a word of advice,
"Just a bit of a tough job. Listen, Redfort is like a snake. Doesn't bother you if you don't bother her. Approach with caution on the job and the most important part, keep your relationship at neutral. Do not ask her what her favourite colour is, or if she has a boyfriend. Let her earn your trust, but even then, venture carefully." Dan sighed.
"Agent Redfort seems a lot like a Cobra. Beautiful from a distance, savage up close."
I did it! Another chapter! Finally a bit of inspiration to help me write this. Thank you so much for the support for every single chapter, I'm tempted to write even more!

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