Cluby and Baker/LB

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Ok so dis is for my bro 4Cluby6 because she cannot handle BAYD even now, so do not fear, the feels doctor is here
Sabina Redfort squealed loudly. Ruby groaned.
"You look wonderful darling! The dress really suits you, but I must find you some nice trinkets to go with it. Give it a whirl and see how it feels!" Ruby's mother eagerly opened her jewellery box and rummaged through it, humming happily." Ruby stared, unamused, at her reflection in the mirror. She was wearing an ankle length white dress with a lace trim here and there, and dainty white shoes. Ruby Redfort hated how she looked. She hated the dress, and the lace trim, but most of all the shoes. She'd swap it all for her usual outfit in a heartbeat, but Ruby had a promise to keep, and a day in a dress couldn't be too bad... Hitch popped his head round the doorway.
"How's it going?"
"Awful." Sighed Ruby,
"Wonderful!" Said Sabina, her eyes lighting up. Ruby rolled her eyes. Hitch, being the professional he was, somehow kept a straight face.
"Excellent, I'm going up for a shower now."
"Use the lavender shampoo!" Sabina yelled after Hitch as he disappeared up the stairs. "Now," she said, turning to Ruby. "The emeralds or the diamonds?" She held up an exquisite diamond necklace and a gold chain studded with emeralds. Ruby shrugged. "Emeralds it is!" Exclaimed Sabina.
An hour later, Ruby and Hitch stood outside on the porch, Ruby in her dress, Hitch looking stunning in his navy suit and tie. It was the first time Ruby had seen Hitch all dolled up. He had always looked smart, even in the face of danger, but his dark hair was in some wavy style and Ruby could see the perfectly combed strands, not one out of place. Hitch saw her looking and winked.
"You aren't looking so bad yourself, Agent Redfort."
"How am I supposed to make a quick getaway in these?" Hissed Ruby, pointing to her shoes. Hitch shook his head.
"You know the deal, kiddo. No running off." Ruby inhaled deeply, exasperated. "Our car is here." Hitch remarked, a tad unnecessarily, as a long, white Rolls Royce pulled up in front of the house. Ruby whistled.
"It truly is the Rolls Royce of automobiles." Hitch chuckled as they climbed through the door held open by the chauffeur and took their seats at the back. Sabina waved wildly from the front door, and Ruby was glad of the tinted glass which meant that she didn't have to wave back.
"Is that your mother?" Someone laughed from behind her. Ruby turned to scowl at a grinning Bradley Baker,
"You dare to mock me Baker?" Bradley shrugged,
"It's my wedding day."
"Ah, lest we all forget, the great Bradley Baker is officially off the market as of today."
"You're just jealous." Remarked the groom-to-be as the driver opened the throttle.
Ruby took Hitch's hand and climbed out of the backseat. She frowned at the wedding tents a few hundred meters away.
"How are the women in high heels going to make it?"
"They are all Spectrum agents, I'm not too concerned." Hitch replied. Ruby cast an impressed eye over all the flower bunches and the red carpet.
"What was the budget again?" Hitch ignored her, instead choosing to lead the way across the red carpet towards the tents.
Ruby was quickly surrounded by chattering women at the entrance, and was steered off to get ready immediately. She resisted the urge to ignore them and replied to all the questions about her dress and her hair as politely as possible, and was soon handed her basket of confetti to hang on her arm. She emerged from the prep booth and joined Hitch who was waiting at the car drop off with none other than Clancy Crew.
"Ruby!" Squeaked Clancy, stunned. "You look...incredible." Ruby smiled,
"You too Clance." And she meant it. Clancy's messy blonde hair had been tamed back, so you could she his shining bright blue eyes, and his perfect teeth glinted behind his smile. Clancy was an old pro when it came to smiling when it was most important, whether he felt like it or not, but he always saved the genuine ones for Ruby. He wore a fancy dinner jacket and a black shirt, with perfectly pressed trousers and black shoes.
Ruby took her place in between Hitch and Clancy and waited. Clancy had the jitters and Ruby had to shoot him a look each time her started to bite his filed fingernails.
And then the car pulled up.
It was white, like the one Ruby had taken, but it was donned with wreaths of flowers and had ribbons trailing out behind it. The chauffeur opened the door, and out stepped the most beautiful women to ever grace a wedding. LB wore the traditional long flowing dress, a trail and for the first time in Ruby's presence, a happy smile.
"Redfort, Crew, Hitch." She greeted them graciously. Ruby was speechless, frozen to the spot for a moment. LB raised her eyebrows, "Slow reactions, Redfort? I may be forced to reconsider your Spectrum application if that is the case?" Ruby shook her head,
"You know it's not so, LB" and she and Clancy took their places behind her. Hitch, being the only person LB trusted in Spectrum to walk her down the aisle, offered his arm to LB. As they walked, Clancy offered Ruby his arm. Ruby looked him dead in the eye, kissed his cheek, and took his arm.
As they entered the tent, a hush spread across the crowd sitting in the pews, and the band struck up 'Here Comes The Bride'. Even Bradley Baker looked stunned for a moment, before regaining his cool at the altar. Clancy, being the ring boy, handed Baker and LB their gold bands, and joined Ruby in a front row seat.
The vicar talked a moment about the importance of bonding and marriage, before reading the vows. Ruby gripped Clancy's hand as the "I do"s were spoken, then the vicar pronounced them man and wife. Baker smiled a moment, and Ruby could almost hear the sighs of the women in the room who all undoubtably wished that they were on the the altar themselves, but everyone knew Baker had eyes for one women only, so when LB and Baker kissed, a collective roar and cheering emerged from the crowd.
Ruby and Clancy tossed handfuls of confetti over the newly weds as the made their way out of the makeshift church and towards the dinner tents. They were followed by the delighted crowd, who were eager to get their hand on the best food Twinford could offer. LB and Bradley were whisked off to take their wedding photo. Ruby and Clancy watched fondly as the photographer took the picture.
"Got any family sir?" Asked the photographer, "we can get a family photo." Before LB could respond, Baker beckoned to Ruby and Clancy.
"Yes, these are my niece and nephew, Ruby and Clancy, and this-" Bradley dragged Hitch into the shot, "- is my brother Hitch." The photographer smiled and took another picture.
The crowd walked together to the dinner tent. LB was participating in the throwing of her bonquet, and screaming women fought behind her, eager to catch the flowers. As it happened, LB threw too far, and the women turned in horror, thinking it would land in the mud. But the flowers were caught neatly by Hitch, much to the delight of the crowd. Ruby elbowed Hitch hard.
"Following the traditional wedding superstitions, you'll be the next to get married." Hitch shook his head.
"Who to?" Ruby smirked,
"I'm sure there will be someone who would marry you."
The dinner was delicious, and many a toast was made to celebrate the new marriage. Speeches were made and everyone laughed and talked as they ate. Bradley leaned down to talk to Ruby who was sitting next to him.
"Thank you, Ruby. Weddings aren't my favourite thing either."
"But it's yours!" Exclaimed Ruby, amused. Bradley shrugged,
"I'm an ideal field agent, not an ideal husband."
"I can think of hundred of women who would disagree." Baker smiled down at her.
"You'll be an incredible field agent Redfort. You'll go down in history as one of the best."
"I think that honour goes to you."
"What have I done? My prime has been and gone. I've faced the Count once, you have faced him six times. You stopped Casey Morgan. All I did was survive a plane crash."
"If there is anything I've learnt from History class at school is that the people who do it first are the ones that get the credit." Baker narrowed his eyes,
"I'll make sure you get the credit you deserve. You'll see." Ruby shook her head, smiling.
"It's not the credit that is important. You're married."
"Ah, you'll be married some day Redfort. The trick is finding someone you deserve."
"Where will I ever find someone like that?" Bradley laughed,
"You're so full of yourself. There is always someone." Ruby noticed Baker's gaze hover over her shoulder for a moment, before someone announced that it was time to dance. Bradley got up with LB to lead the first dance of the evening. Ruby looked over her shoulder to where Baker had been looking, and all she saw was Clancy. He noticed her staring.
"What?" He asked, mouth full with ice cream. Ruby smiled, feeling more elated than she had ever been.
The dances went on long into the night. Ruby and Clancy danced until they couldn't breathe and their soles ached. They sat down in the corner and watched the effortless movement of the husband and wife.
"They look so good together." Sighed Clancy.
"I can second that." Remarked Ruby.
"Don't you just feel like everything is so perfect?" Asked Clancy. Ruby looked thoughtful for a moment.
"No quite." And with those words she gripped Clancy Crew's shirt and pulled him into a kiss.
And so, as the midnight bells chimed in the clock tower, all was as it should be in Twinford.

There you go! I should do this more often (?)

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