A New Case

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Ruby's "Baker" watch started to beep, amidst, much to her annoyance, the climax of the series finale of Crazy Cops. Ruby was at first so absorbed in the show that she didn't notice, until Clancy, sitting next to her on the sofa, gently put a hand on her shoulder and pointed at her watch. Ruby frowned and glanced at the watch. The words "New case, come now" flashed on her screen. Ruby sighed. She loved her job as a Spectrum agent and the pay was astronomical, but it did get in the way of her social life, especially at important moments like these. She rose to go, but Clancy turned her around.
"You're not going, are you? You never miss a Crazy Cops episode!" Ruby looked away, trying not to notice how close they were.
"Spectrum business, Clance, I can hardly skip an appointment." Clancy hesitated.
"Ruby...that's not what I'm saying. Spectrum is starting to get in the way of your life." Ruby tried to walk away, but Clancy grabbed her shoulders and brought her so close she felt uncomfortable.
"You know it does Ruby, I can see it in your eyes. That's why there are next to none child agents. First, it's dangerous, second, it's complicated and three, it stops you from seeing us... seeing me." He said gently. But Clancy's gentleness only fueled the fire in Ruby and she took a step back.
"I've been through a lot more danger than your average Spectrum agent, I'm one of the most celebrated of all time, I know exactly what is happening in Spectrum and, in case you haven't noticed, I'm seeing you now. I don't need your advice, Clancy, I'm going to live my life my way, and you aren't going to stop me." Clancy sighed.
"Ruby, I'm not suggesting-"
"But you are!" Ruby stormed,
"You're telling me to quit my favorite job in the world, and all because you want to see me more often!"
"Ruby, if you use some empathy-"
"Don't talk to me about empathy!" And Ruby stormed out the room and Clancy was left standing there, with Crazy Cops blaring in the background.


A very annoyed Ruby Redfort was met by Hitch outside in his car. As Ruby climbed into the front seat, she snapped,
"If you tell me we're going in by that children's playground again..." Hitch noted Ruby's anger.
"What's the problem kid? Boy trouble?" Hitch could immediately tell he had hit a sore spot, Ruby was literally baring her teeth at him.
"Sorry, hit a bad spot did I? Little bit of advice, you might want to put a stop to your hostile attitude or LB might not put you on the case." Ruby brightened slightly, and her face temperature dropped a few degrees as Hitch handed her usual jelly donut.
"What is the case anyway?"
"Not my business yet, we haven't decided if we want you on it, it's got a high risk tag." Ruby frowned.
"Nearly all the cases I've been on have a high risk tag."
"Nah kid, you haven't seen anything yet. You've got away from most cases with barely a scratch on you and your worst injury from one was a few minor burns and a broken arm. The Count won't let you get away from this one without a few bullet wounds at the very least." Ruby grinned.
"Who mentioned anything about the Count?" Hitch pursed his lips.
"I've said too much." His face was so serious that the entirety of the car journey to the Twinford swimming pool was made without anymore talking. Ruby and Hitch made their way down the winding stairs rather slowly, since Ruby's foot hadn't really healed from her last case in a forest fire, and Hitch was required to half carry her down the steps. Once they had got through security, waved at Buzz etc. they were seated in a waiting room a few doors down from LB's office. A few minutes later, a young secretary whom Ruby had never seen before called Hitch. As they both rose to go down the corridor, the young woman interrupted.
"Only Mr. Hitch was requested, miss." Ruby frowned and looked at Hitch, but he looked as confused as she was. He gave Ruby a look that clearly said "stay put" and ventured down the corridor into LB's office. Ruby waited impatiently for a few minutes, waiting to be called in, before going to the Spectrum cafe to buy some apple juice. As she sat at the table, waiting for her name to be called tersely over the loudspeaker, she pondered what the case could be and why Hitch was taking it so seriously. To her surprise she saw Hitch wandering over to her table, more pale than usual.
"I thought I'd find you here. Come on, let's go." He said in an unusually quiet voice.
"What? Why?" Ruby was bursting with questions. But Hitch didn't answer any of them all the way up the stairs and when they got in the car, he gripped the steering wheel so hard his knuckles turned white and when he took his hands off it to turn, he had left hand sized dents in the leather.
"What about the case?" Ruby was asking over and over again.
"It's off kid, we're not investigating." Hitch snapped at her eventually. Ruby scowled,
"There's no one in Spectrum who knows more about the Count than you and I do, it's far to dangerous for anyone else-"
"It's not just you off the case, Spectrum aren't sending any agents, we're rejecting it." Ruby's mouth hung open. As far as she knew, Spectrum had never turned down a case in their whole history. It must have to be very very dangerous for them to decide not to take on this one. Ruby's thoughts went to Clancy and she felt guilty about their argument earlier. She made up her mind to apologise to him as soon as she got home.

When Hitch got into the house, he went straight to his private quarters and Ruby went straight to the kitchen. She could smell cake and her stomach was rumbling. As soon as she stepped foot in the kitchen, Mrs. Digby wagged a finger at her.
"No, no cake for you now Ruby Redfort. You've already eaten a batch of cookies today and you're not eating anymore! Your mother will have me in chains." Ruby sighed.
"But it's 'tea time'" Plenty of emotions crossed Mrs. Digby's face and eventually she gave in to baser instinct and gave Ruby half the cake. Ruby's next stop was the living room, where she picked up the phone to Clancy. The phone answered at the first ring, as usual.
"Ruby?" Came Clancy's voice, trying to sound cold, but failing horribly, instead sounding slightly triumphant.
"Yeah, it's me Clance. Sorry about earlier, I was being a teenager. Why don't ya come round and we can have cake and go for a ride to the town square?" There was silence at the other end for a while, before Clancy spoke again.
"Why can't it be easier to hate you, Ruby?" Ruby laughed, a real laugh.
"I've got stuff to discuss Clance, and I want to know about Crazy Cops."

Ruby Redfort Fanfiction: Look Into His Eyes And Take Your Last BreathOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora