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Ruby rushed down the stairs in Spectrum in her pajamas. She had not considered for one moment stopping to change, her mind distracted, she vaguely noticed the irony of the situation. But she was mostly focused on what was ahead. She had no plan, knew hardly anything, yet she was sure she would find him here. She hopped from foot to foot as voice recognition took a few moments to register her tones. Her footsteps echoing around the corridor, she checked the staff check in list. Only LB remained in the building. Ruby felt herself tense up. She was getting closer to the truth. Walking further down the corridor, heart beating furiously, she threw open the door to the first room along the right. And there, in front of her, was the Count, examining the photos on the wall. Turning towards her when she flung open, he didn't look the least bit surprised to see her. His lips simply curved up into a chilling smile.

"Well, hello there, Miss. Redfort. What a delight it is to see you again. Are you well?" Ruby ignored the Count's questions.

"It was you. You killed Froghorn, Blacker, Menhir." The Count laughed, and it seemed to fill the room.

"You amuse me girl, you really do. Yes, Blacker was my work. Excellent marksmanship, don't you agree? But Menhir and Froghorn, no they weren't my business." Ruby barely missed a beat. She would bet her life that who killed them was working under the Count's orders.

"You're Bradley Baker." The Count clapped his hands in delight.

"You figured it out! Wonderful!"

"That's not all." The Count grinned lazily and sat down behind the desk in the room.

"Well then my dear, let's hear it. I am looking forward to hearing this." Ruby paced the room.

"You didn't die in the plane crash, you escaped. You caused the plane to crash so you cover your tracks. You had just gone for a medical check up in Switzerland. You had managed to cover your insanity for the most part. You weren't just crazy, you were suffering from MPD. Multiple Personality Disorder." The Count raised and eyebrow and nodded.

"My my, you have done your research." Ruby ignored him.

"But Menhir must have discovered your MPD somehow. He took you in for treatment. He must have tried to get your good side, the real you, to break through the bad one. But it must have backfired. You lost the real you the day before you went home to Twinford." The Count grinned and nodded yet again, but there was some element of unease about him. "You were mad. You told Menhir to keep his mouth shut about your condition. Then you had an idea. You told him to let you return to Twinford before informing Spectrum of your condition. Then of course, you got Froghorn's father to fly the plane. He was the only one who knew of your condition. So you killed him in the plane crash." Ruby finally looked up at the Count. "So you wanted revenge on Menhir for turning yourself into a... monster." The Count growled. Ruby didn't hesitate to continue, "But your condition prevented you from killing him by a quick bullet to the brain. This side of you required drama, a lot of it. So you waited. You went to great lengths to collect the things that were necessary, like the gun and the truth serum. Then you killed him with the help of the high frequency whistle. But you killed Blacker too. Why?" The Count stood.

"I intend to take my revenge on Spectrum. In full. When I am finished there won't be a man or woman still in here that isn't corrupt." Ruby frowned.

"What did Blacker do to be part of your revenge?" The Count treated Ruby to his best vampire smile. In the dimness of the room, you could hardly make out anyone's facial features in detail, but Ruby could see the smile glinting proudly at her in the darkness.

"Why don't you ask the boss?" Ruby opened her mouth to tell the Count that she now knew that the Count wasn't working for anybody when the light flickered on. Ruby spun around to see a shaking form at the doorway. It was someone with a woman's build and an average height. And she wasn't wearing shoes.



2 days later

The day was a gloomy one, and it seemed to match the mood among the small gathering in the graveyard. Ruby was perched on a rock a little away from the rest, silent tears running down her cheeks. She was allowing herself one day, only one day, to mourn. She had being doing that too much lately, and she could barely hold herself together and stop herself from splitting apart. As the priest spoke in that monotonous voice of his, Ruby walked over to join the group of people dressed in formal black suits. Crouching by the hole made, she reached down and touched the coffin's smooth, cold surface. For a second, Ruby felt like flinging herself off her cliff. How could she live when she already brought so much sorrow to the world. But a warm hand rested on her shoulder. She looked up and saw him and looking down at her. She could see he was suffering as much as she was.

"He gave his life for me." Whispered Ruby. The boy crouched beside her. He wasn't trying to hold back his tears, they were flowing freely down his cheeks.

"He saved us, I know." He whispered back, "And I'll regret not helping him for every other second of my life." Ruby started to sob properly, a horrible choking sound, and the boy wrapped his arms around her gently. As Ruby leaned against him, she felt suddenly so thankful for the fact that he was still here, and instinctively she knew, that soon, she'd be over it.

Ruby Redfort Fanfiction: Look Into His Eyes And Take Your Last BreathWhere stories live. Discover now