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"LB." Said Ruby, her heart dropping like a stone, her mind whirring furiously to keep up with the events happening. LB didn't look psychopathic at all. In fact, she looked terrified, nothing like what Ruby usually saw. She looked smaller, thinner and she was shaking. And something clicked in Ruby's mind.
"You escaped from prison with the help of LB. She helped you escape." She turned to look at the Count. He said nothing.
"You're helping him, because you love him." Ruby told LB who still stood at the doorway. She sighed.
"I can't just let him go." Ruby felt a stab of betrayal,
"But why? Why would you want to kill Blacker or Froghorn?"
"Froghorn was going to blab. There was no way he could be allowed to live." The Count put in behind them. Ruby turned to LB, a question already forming on her lips, but LB beat her to it.
"A long time ago Ruby, a man told us that the only person that could ever take down Bradley Baker was his equal. We thought nothing of it until we noticed you. Blacker was the leader in the campaign to persuade me to hire you, he knew you were that equal. I couldn't say no without a strong reason. So I hired you. He had to go." Ruby could barely believe her ears.
"Then why am I still living?"
"We have a few more on our wish list Redfort," laughed the Count, "don't worry, you are on it, but you're last on the list." Ruby was thinking again.
"So you killed all these people, just because of one stupid thing some dumb guy said!" The Count snarled.
"I don't think you understand my darling. I have to kill. It's in my blood, my veins, I need it, I crave it." The Count's eyes were hungry, and Ruby saw that she wasn't dealing with a weak old man, she was dealing with a total psychopath. She took a step back.
"I wonder." Said LB in a quiet voice, still looking very tense, "how you came to figure this out." Ruby turned to stare at her. Then she said quite truthfully,
"I know how you feel. What it is like to love someone who isn't like you, who is vulnerable in so many ways, yet they can't see the danger. The need you feel to protect them, the lengths you will go to to do so." LB looked stunned. The Count, sensing that what Ruby had said hit home, leaped into action. He grabbed Ruby and his hand went round her mouth to prevent her from screaming. LB still stood rooted to her spot, unable to move to help. But the Count didn't need help. Ruby was no match for his limitless strength, and he tied her to the chair in no time. He paced the room in front of her, his fingers steepled, his brow furrowed.
"Now here is what I am going to do Redfort. I am going to find that little friend of yours, what is his name? Clancy Crew? What wonderful alliteration, your name has it too." He giggled like a child,
"And I will kill him, much like how Emperor Nero killed his children." The Count smiled his vampire smile again.
"By feeding them to the lions. Though, with a slightly more painful alteration, wolves."
"You're going to use the scent." Breathed Ruby. The Count snapped his fingers, satisfied.
"Yes. And that leaves you, my dear..." The Count picked up a small bag from the desk and shook it. Then he reached inside and pulled out a small sliver of jade. "The Jade Buddha of Khotan. Do you remember that case? Oh, what fun we had!" He laughed mirthlessly. "And you will die, and under the light projected through this little piece is enough to burn your eyeballs to goo. And then you shall be blind to the truth and the real world." He leaned closer to Ruby, she could smell his excessive cologne, see the mad look in his eyes, see the saliva drip from his lips. "Just like Oedipus Rex. Though of course you have not killed your father and married your mother. Wonderful people, the Ancient Greeks..." As the Count rambled in his own world, Ruby took a few seconds to assess the situation in the real one. The Count would kill her, though not before he killed Clancy. And he didn't have Clancy. So she was safe for the moment- There was suddenly a crash and the sound of footsteps in the hall. The Count and LB turned quickly to the door. And at the doorframe, were two very familiar faces.
"Hello Ruby." Said Clancy. "Sorry to bother you-"
"-but we figured you need saving." Finished Dan.
"You have got to be kidding me." Said Ruby, "you just don't take no for an answer do you?" Clancy shook his head, then finally noticed the Count and LB. A frown appeared on his face.
"LB? I don't understand." Asked Dan, voicing Clancy's thoughts. The Count seemed to snap out of a thoughtful state and turned to Ruby.
"This, Miss Redfort, is why I am keeping you alive." Ruby could see his vampire teeth in the gloom again. "You just lead your little cronies straight to us." Ruby took a deep breath. The only thing keeping Clancy alive at the moment was the Count's craving for drama. Oh boy, how she wished Hitch was here. Hitch! Of course! She still had her puzzle in her pocket, if she could just reach it...the Count noticed Ruby inching her fingers towards her pyjama pockets and dangled her puzzle on a keychain in front of her. "Looking for this, darling? I'm afraid you're getting sloppy." He laughed manically again. Then he abruptly stopped. "Tie those boys up LB, let me recite my plan to them." LB just stared at him unblinkingly. "LB..." Said the Count in a very smooth voice. He didn't have to say anymore. LB jerkily grabbed Clancy with astonishing strength and threw him against the wall. He slipped down to the ground, unconscious. Ruby felt like she had been delivered a real, physical blow. She screamed as loudly as possible in the few seconds before the Count clamped his hand round her mouth again. Ruby saw Dan lunge at LB, and saw LB bat him away with more force than a woman her size should have, but Dan got right back up. Cursing, the Count removed his hand. Ruby was about to scream some advice to Dan when something hard connected to the back of her head. And then she was falling deeper and deeper into an endless pit of darkness.
2kkkkkkk! Yayyyyyyyyyy!

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