A Dinner Discussion

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Ruby dipped her soup spoon into her soup bowl and lifted the sweet and savoury stew to her mouth. She glanced up at Hitch, who was sitting opposite to her. He appeared perfectly calm, but then he always did. Ruby needed her parents to let her go to Switzerland. LB would never fund such a trip and Hitch didn't have the money himself. He glanced up at the clock on the dining room mantelpiece and nodded at Ruby. She placed her spoon beside her plate, leaned forward and began to speak.
"Mom, Dad, I want to go to Switzerland." Ruby's mother and father, who had just been discussing the wonders of Spanish beaches, looked up surprised.
"But honey," said Brant Redfort, "you never wanted to go before."
"You never asked." Ruby pointed out. Sabrina Redfort shook her head.
"Aren't you at school at the moment." Ruby looked at Hitch and he jumped right in.
"There is a school holiday this Friday to commemorate all the cultures the school has invoked into their education. Ruby thought it would be a good idea if we visited Switzerland to learn all about their famous medical practises, then make a presentation of her findings at school." Ruby looked at Hitch appreciatively. Brant Redfort was a great believer in the share of information and Sabrina Redfort loved to show off the ingenuity of their daughter. It was a tactful few sentences. Brad looked thoughtful but Sabrina pursed her lips.
"There's a new clothes launch at the Twinford designer store on Saturday. You can't miss it Ruby. I want to get you some 'more tasteful' clothing." Ruby scowled but Hitch cut in smoothly.
"What about the weekend after that. It's a holiday anyway to celebrate the mayor's birthday. I'm sure it would be a most productive trip." Brant and Sabrina glanced at each other.
"It could be a nice experience for her." Admitted Sabrina.
"She can go skiing." Added Hitch, to put the icing on the cake so to speak. It did the trick. Brant beamed.
"Yes, the more I think about it it's a good idea. We'll book you the tickets on Friday. Who will go?" Hitch smiled.
"I'll go to watch over her. She may also take Dan if he fancies it. He has never been to Switzerland." With the matter resolved, the conversation turned to other topics. When Hitch and Ruby left the table to take their plates into the kitchen, she hissed,
"Two things, why didn't you argue for this Saturday-"
"You can't argue against an invincible force Ruby." She gave Hitch a withering look.
"And why did you indirectly force me to bring Dan? I don't want him to come." Hitch looked puzzled.
"But you are working on the case together." Ruby folded her arms.
"Whatever we are investigating, it's to do with Spectrum and Spectrum only. Dan wouldn't understand." Hitch rolled his eyes.
"So explain to him, help him understand." Ruby leant forward and grabbed Hitch by the shoulders. Even on tip toes it was a stretch. Hitch was a solid six foot.
"Listen, I have a theory. And that theory involves Froghorn, LB, Baker, you and I. I will explain later, but it's between us and us only. So..." The door swung open. Clancy Crew stood defiantly on the other side. His eyes narrowed.
"Ruby, I know you're on a case, and I know Dan's here to help you." There was a silence in the hallway. Hitch looked at Clancy, then at Ruby, and then discreetly slipped out of the room. Ruby just stared at Clancy.
"How do you know that." Clancy looked her square in the eye.
"Your friend Dan talked to me earlier, he said there was something bothering you and he wanted it cleared up so you could go back to working on your school project in harmony. I promised him I'd talk to you." He softened. 
"Please don't try to lie to me again Ruby. You try and try to avoid me but always find out the truth. Every single time you lie. It's not because I am nosy and want to find out. It's because you aren't Ruby when you lie, and I don't like it." Ruby inhaled deeply.
"Clancy, I didn't tell you not because I didn't trust you. I avoided you so I wouldn't have to tell lies every time I saw you. Clancy this is a major international incident, I'm working with MI5, it's a whole new game."
"Then why do you seem to take it so personally?" Asked Clancy. It was a trump card and he knew it. Ruby boosted herself up on the table and thought. And the more she thought, the more she realised she had made a few too many mistakes in her judgement. Clancy didn't want the whole truth. He didn't need it. He just didn't want her to lie. He wanted Ruby, not a girl who acted like she hardly knew him. She had thought it best to treat him like a stranger and he had hated it. Ruby sighed.
"I'm sorry Clance. I guess I messed up."
"Big time." Clancy nodded.
"I can't tell you everything, but I promise that if you don't ask, then I won't speak another lie to you again." Clancy grinned.
"Deal. Come here." Ruby walked into Clancy open arms and gave him a tight hug. The heartbeat under his chest was slightly fast, but that was natural.
"What next?" Asked Clancy. An idea struck Ruby like a train.
"How do like the idea of a trip to Switzerland?"

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