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Ruby and Clancy peeped out from behind a rock they crouched behind a little way behind Dan's chair. He had come round from his faint and was straining to hear what was being said between LB and the Count.
"What's the plan?" Whispered Clancy. Ruby pulled Clancy down behind the rock.
"LB, while she may be willing to do everything the Count wants her to, was the one who let me go." She told him. Clancy's mouth opened into an 'o'. He then looked confused,
"But isn't she helping the Count?"
"My guess is that she is, but she doesn't have a choice, she can't just leave him." Clancy nodded. He understood. "She probably doesn't want us dead."
"So?" Asked Clancy.
"We've got to get her attention."
"How?" In answer Ruby picked up a small stone close to them and peeped up from behind the rock. Seeing the the Count was facing the other day, she prepared to throw a stone. Clancy put a hand on her arm. "You sure she's on our side?"
"Positive." Clancy let go of her arm and Ruby threw the stone, and it landed perfectly in the dead centre of LB's back. She turned around slowly. Ruby motioned to Dan and mouthed the words, "Help us". LB understood immediately but frowned and pointed at the Count. Ruby cursed and ducked down from behind the rock. "She says she doesn't know how to get Dan out of his ropes without the Count noticing." Clancy's eyes lit up.
"Then how about a little distraction?" Clancy peeped up from behind the rock as well. Motioning towards the woods, he gave the impression that there was a distraction happening. LB again understood. Reaching for a large rock near by, she threw it with great power into the bushes on the opposite side of the Count. The man in question whirled around, searching for the source of the noise. Then his eyes narrowed. Gesturing to LB, he led her on tiptoes into the bushes. Clancy, meanwhile, led Ruby behind Dan.
"Psssst!" Hissed Clancy. Dan looked around and saw Clancy. His eyes were wide in surprise. "We've come to get you out. Let me cut your ropes." Clancy sharpened a rock as quietly as he could on the stony ground and began sawing at Dan's ropes while Ruby was on guard. She kept a careful eye on the trees where the Count and LB disappeared. And suddenly she was grabbed from behind. Even though Ruby's scream was muffled, Clancy still spun around. The Count's palms were sweaty and his breath was rank with alcohol. He dragged Ruby out into the open.
"Do you think that I didn't notice you and Master Crew crouching behind that rock? You don't think I knew that you had thrown that rock into the bushes? You don't know me, Miss Redfort." LB didn't sell us out, thought Ruby in surprise. Clancy had just managed to saw Dan free and both were looking at Ruby and the Count in fright. LB burst through the trees.
"They aren't-" then she took in the situation. "Ah."
"LB, just the person I need." Said the Count. "I plan on killing Miss Redfort here in about thirty seconds. Any other plans?"
"Bradley." Began LB carefully, "Don't you think we should kill Crew first? Then we will follow your wish list, and you shall be better satisfied." If Ruby had been the Count she would have expected some sort of trick. But the Count was so crazed up that the idea that LB might be helping them went over his head.
"Hmmm, good idea. But Crew I wanted to kill with wolves."
"You've already tried that. It's a lot easier to just shoot."
"That sounds agreeable. Miss Redfort, you may go. But remember, if you run, you can't hide. LB, fetch Master Crew." LB roughly led Clancy to the Count, who let Ruby stumble free. Suddenly, LB pulled out a gun and pointed it at Ruby.
"Let him go, Bradley." The Count suddenly realised what was going on.
"I see. Treachery, LB, I never expected it from you."
"You were a good man, Bradley. Still are, but you can't kill these two. They remind me too much of you."
"You are weak." Snarled the Count, "I will never let him go."
"Then I will shoot."
"Go ahead. Do your worst." Said the Count, but he looked extremely uneasy,
"Bradley, I-" suddenly there was a flash, a bang, and the Count was on his knees, roaring in anger, Clancy forgotten, and Ruby... Unharmed. And she looked extremely surprised to be alive. LB had missed. Ruby ran over to Clancy and helped him up. The Count lunged at LB, and they rolled around on the floor, rolling towards the cliff edge. The Count stood, hoping to escape the edge, gun in hand, ready to shoot. There was nothing now that would stop the Count from pulling the trigger. Ruby closed her eyes and buried her face into Clancy's jacket, waiting for the inevitable bang of the gun. But it didn't come. Ruby opened her eyes. LB had one hand on the Count's gun, but she wasn't wrestling it off him. She simply pushed his hand down and made him drop it. Then she got him to look her in the eye. She put one hand on his cheek and kept it there, gently caressing his skin.
"Don't you remember who you are, Bradley? You're the greatest Spectrum agent to exist. But all agents eventually have to retire, Bradley. Your time of retirement came long ago, I think." A tear ran down Bradley Baker's face.
"I don't want to go." He whispered. LB shook her head sadly.
"Just let it go. I'll be here. I've always been here."
"Thank you." Replied Bradley Baker, and with those words they both tumbled off into the abyss. Ruby and Clancy stood, stunned. Then there was shout from behind them. Looking very bedraggled and a whole lot more exhausted than Ruby had ever seen him, was Hitch.
"Pinch me Clancy, I have to be dreaming."  Murmured Ruby. Hitch was breathing heavily and clutching his shoulder. Ruby could easily guess what he was hiding. "She shot you in the shoulder?"
"Strange isn't it." Said Hitch, and he looked round suspiciously. "Where's the Count? Still looking for you? We have got to go." Ruby and Clancy glanced at one another.
"Show him Clance." Ruby said in a quiet voice. While Clancy showed Hitch where exactly Bradley Baker and LB were, Ruby turned to look for Dan. There he was lying in the snow. Probably fainted again, thought Ruby. But when she pulled Dan into the recovery position, she felt something sticky on her hand. Blood.
"Dan!" She yelled desperately, shaking him, "Dan!" The boy opened his eyes and offered Ruby a weak smile. It was then Ruby saw the bleeding hole in his stomach. "How..." Dan gulped for air.
"Bullet didn't...miss after...all." Ruby gaped. Of course. She remembered being shoved into the ground.
" jumped in front of the bullet." Dan nodded weakly.
"That's what I was trained to do." Ruby was horrified,
"Ruby Redfort, you are the most remarkable girl I have ever met. I love you with all my heart. But I have no family, no ambitions, no future, no you. I have never wanted anything more in the world than to be with you for the remaining days of my life. But your a lot better off with him." Dan gestured at Clancy. "He's an infinitely more worthy lover than I am. You, Ruby, have everything to live for. I have nothing. It's not your time yet."
"It's not yours either." Retorted Ruby through her tears, and Dan smiled.
"No, but I would never forgive myself if I let you die and I to live." Ruby chuckled through her sobs.
"I'll stay with you Dan. To the end and beyond." Dan laughed.
"To the end and beyond. I like that."
And he died in her arms.

Just a couple more chapters to go omg. I literally almost cried while writing this. Three days!

Ruby Redfort Fanfiction: Look Into His Eyes And Take Your Last BreathOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora