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The Count sat in his plush velvet chair in a room set up exactly like the ballroom in The Sound Of Music. He just couldn't help himself. Movies and films were his style. It was the only hint of his former self. But the Count did not regret. The Count did not regret anything and he wouldn't regret what he was about to do. His elbows on the the desk, his fingers steepled and his forehead against his fingers, he frowned. This Redfort girl bothered him. It put a hole in his untouchable reputation. Yet he was drawn to her. There was something about the girl that made it like looking straight into a mirror and reminded him about everything he had. For a fleeting second he considered stopping destroying everything about his previous life but then he shook himself. He had no regrets, none. And he knew that. So everything would continue. He smiled. If Redfort was as much like him as he thought then destroying her should be as easy as one two three. He would start with her friends and he would start today. But he would not kill her little lapdog, that faithful Crew boy who was so hopelessly in love with her yet she could not see. No. He would be too big, that would be reaching the climax too early. He had to build up. Just like a movie. So he would start here at Spectrum. Now. A smile slowly spread across his face at the prospect of it. His men at the door shuffled uncomfortably, the Count's smile was unnerving. The rows of sharp white teeth gleamed in the afternoon sun.
"It is almost time." Said the Count,
"Are we ready?" The men nodded. They had been drilled to do this to perfection. All of the steps to the Count's plan were drilled to his men at a daily basis right from the moment he had picked up Ruby's phone call to Clancy. The Count had already nurtured a plan for the youngest member of the Spectrum squad Froghorn, but he had quickly lost interest in the obnoxious individual and Ruby became the object of the plan, with a little tweaking to the original idea. That is why the Count had taken piece of the Jade Buddha. Under the right of light, the piece could project the light a thousand time more brightly and could literally melt the eyes off someone's face. The Count meant to torture Ruby using each of the five things he had taken from under her nose. The Jade Buddha would take someone's ability to see, the truth serum would now (after some nights in the lab) force someone to tell the truth forever and always (there was an antidote but the Count had endured it would never be discovered nor used), the smell of the wolf would lure in other wolves to cause the person targeted to die a slow and painful death, the gun (Bradley Baker model, he had taken it from under Spectrum's noses, they had been so wrapped up in the stealing of the key they hadn't noticed) would certainly alert someone's sense of touch and a high frequency whistle modeled from bits and pieces of other stolen Spectrum stuff (from a conveniently placed mole) would cause somebody's ear drums to blow out. The Count was looking forward to bringing one into play today. He had consoled himself that if the plan failed at any stage, he would at least cause some grief, which may be enough to tip the tiny agent onto the wrong side of Spectrum. But the plan would work, of course it would. There was suddenly a knock on the door, one that jolted the Count out of his senses. He was suddenly alert. Nodding to the guards to ready them he said,
"Come in." Through a voice disguiser it sounded completely LB like. The door opened and an agent walked in.
"You wanted to see me-" he was cut off as the guards quickly grabbed him and dug an elbow in his windpipe, cutting off the yell. The Count smiled at the agent.
"Long time no see huh. How are you today?" The agent stared at him. He now evidently saw the truth. The Count smiled.
"No matter. You now have the an exciting part to play in my great plan. Miss Redfort won't know what will have hit her. It starts now." The Count raised the silenced Baker pistol model and fired one shot. His aim was true, straight into the heart. The agent crumpled to the floor. The Count blew the smoke off the top of the gun like actors had done in so many movies and grinned again.
"Like I said dear fellow, it starts now." He stepped forward and raised the chin of the almost dead agent and frowned. The agent said one word. A name.
"Bradley." The crazy man laughed delightedly.
"It is good to be called by my name again." Said Bradley Baker, his eyes bright. The agent took one last breath then fell onto Baker's feet had he not skipped away. Baker took a deep breath and took the possessions of the now dead agent. He looked at the leather watch and black hat and shook his head.
"Not a sense of style at all." He then picked up a split paper bag and a spilled cup of coffee and cackled.
"How ironic." He turned to look out the window.
"Isn't it Ruby. I'm afraid Blacker here is unable to give his opinion. What a shame."
I am so sorry.

Ruby Redfort Fanfiction: Look Into His Eyes And Take Your Last BreathKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat