BAYD Spoiler FREE Review

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This is in case one of you haven't read it, though I doubt it, I feel like the last person on the planet to have read it.


Wow. Wow, wow, wow. BAYD, I can honestly say, had one of the best plot lines I have EVER read, or at least not for a long time. Lauren Child managed to cover EVERY SINGLE plot hole that I could think of AND added in more confusion and plot holes JUST so she could close them up and wrap up the book spectacularly. When the book finished, there was only ONE thing that I wished could have happened in the book, and it wasn't even that important. Here is my advice going into the book. Forget everything you previously assumed from the other books. There is SO much stuff happening that if you keep thinking along the line of the previous books, you'll be mind blown. So anything you thought they told you in other books, keep it in mind, but don't expect the book to follow along the same lines.

BAYD was easily the most sad, raw, intense, serious and romantic out of all the books, but not for the reasons that might immediately spring to mind. Ruby was very vulnerable to emotion in this book, and in some occasions used her sense perception over logic and reason. But in the end, it's very important that she does.

The plot in the book was spot on. And it's impossible to predict what's going to happen and what isn't. The story I wrote was a far cry from what actually happened, but that doesn't matter at all. There is only so much I can say about the plot without spoilers, but expect and bumpy and twisty ride.

The characters in the book were at their very best. They were ALL vulnerable and in that, you saw some of their depth and understood who they were a lot better. You could be almost sympathetic to the bad guys and angry at the good guys given the situation.

Basically, the book picks up at where it left last time in the penultimate book, Pick Your Poison. After Ruby finds out that LB killed Bradley Baker, she gets a sense of very slowly growing paranoia, and doesn't know who to trust. The story is slightly fantastical, but they all are in truth. Every twist and turns bring characters into a new light and the story line opens up.

The last thing I'll address is Cluby. Now there have been a few signs that Ruby and Clancy will get together in the past five books, and given how packed this book was, it was very possible that they would be together at the end of the book. Ruby almost dated in book four, if you remember, but of course, Beetle didn't get along with Clancy, and to Ruby, that was totally unacceptable. I will say nothing on the outcome of Cluby, but they did get a lot of time dedicated to their interaction, and Clancy played a very important role in the book, as did most of the characters.

In this book, working out the plot before the book finishes is like predicting how an Agatha Christie book would end, or how the Hound of Baskervilles, a Sherlock Holmes story would end. It just can't be predicted. There are endless amounts of clues, some are actual clues, but a lot are what is called a Red Herring. A Red Herring is a one off thing in the plot, they aren't actually relevant to what is happening. Now there are LOADS of Red Herrings, and it is immensely difficult to tell what is a real clue and what is a Red Herring, which is why the book is so good. What I did was look back at all the characters and think about why they were in the books. Entertainment purposes? Or something else?

Overall, the book was one of the best books I have ever read, and probably the best last-book-in-the-series I have read in my life, better than Harry Potter, better than Percy Jackson, better than Artemis Fowl. The characters were, as usual, excellent and the plot was was well thought out and surprisingly well paced. It had a bit of a slow start, but really picked it up about a hundred pages in. I give the book a 9.5 out of 10, and it was the best end to the series we could have possibly hoped for.

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