The Last Part

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Okay everyone, this is IT. I know I wrote my story a long time ago, but this is my final one shot in this book and the end of my most successful project. I'd like to thank a few people who have given me endless and incredible support over the last YEAR, like UniversalAsteroid, and oliviarosewood. It's been incredible to be part of expanding this growing and passionate fan base, and I think I'll always come back to writing RR fics. I love you all endlessly, and thanks to Lauren Child for opening up this whole new section in my mind and allowing me to explore it on (digital) paper. For this last one shot, it's Cluby (of course), but I'd thought I'd shoot a little further from the mark. Ruby Redfort is a children's/ young teens series, NOT Young Adult at all, not like TV shows nowadays that people our age watch, like Stranger Things, Sherlock, Riverdale etc. And that is NOT AT ALL bad, because Ruby Redfort manages to be effortlessly clever without being angsty, dark or mildly inappropriate. But it's always interesting to delve a little bit deeper with these characters and build on them in different ways, I decided this fic would be a little more dark¿? I understand my RR fic did get a lot darker than the actual books did, and I know a lot of you have tried your hand at writing your own and made yours darker too (doing a fabulous job keep it up!!!). I just want to try my hand at making this a bit more sensual and slightly more YA, it won't be inappropriate or anything I'm not that kind of writer, this will just be a little less fluff like the previous fics and more adult I guess. If this isn't your thing, I understand, this is kind of my first time I've tried this, but here we go!
The first time Ruby Redfort sees Clancy Crew was on a cool September day in 1968. Ruby had just been bought a bright green bike by her uncle, and despite protests from Sabina about how Ruby would have much preferred pink, Ruby had immediately fallen in love with her new bike and insisted right that moment that Sabina and Brant were to take her to Twinford to try it out. Ruby had immediately left her parents in the dust and was cycling up Ambassador's Row when she saw a moving van outside the biggest house on the street, and a handsome blonde man was standing on the sidewalk, giving instructions, with whom Ruby presumed to be his wife and two children, an older girl and a young boy her age. The boy, with blonde, slightly curly hair like his father's, and bright, light blue eyes, stared at Ruby as she cycled past at top speed, training wheels creaking in protest. Ruby stared back, fascinated. Just before Ruby completely disappeared off into the distance, the boy raised his hand, in a little half wave, which Ruby spotted out of the corner of her eye. And then she was away from the house and up the lane, and could hear the shouts and puffs from her parents behind her.

On Monday, when Ruby went to school, and saw the shy little ambassador's son cowering behind a bench, Ruby Redfort made up her mind. This boy was to be her friend, and when Ruby had her sights set on something, there was little anyone could do to stop her. So Ruby walked up to the boy and formally stuck out her hand.
"Ruby Redfort." She said, and the blonde stared at her in horror. "I won't bite." Pressed Ruby, and suddenly smiled. It was a smile the boy had never seen before, and made him feel all fuzzy inside, and the urge to respond filled him up.
"Clancy Crew." He said quietly, shaking her hand, and then, after much thought, added, "Sharks bite. You aren't a shark, are you?" Ruby smiled again, and Clancy, again, felt that fuzzy feeling, and decided he'd make Ruby Redfort smile as often as he could. Little did he know that the smile on Ruby's face would, over the years, become specially reserved for him, and him alone.

"Hey Rube." Squeaked Clancy, as she entered the Double Donut diner. Ruby raised her eyebrow,
"What happened to your-"
"-my voice, I know." Finished Clancy in a high pitched tone, his Adam's apple bobbing furiously. "My father says my voice is beginning to break. I'm not sure I want it to."
"It's perfectly natural." Responded Ruby, flopping into the booth opposite Clancy.
"Yes but on a Monday? In the middle of term?" Ruby rolled her eyes,
"Puberty isn't something that rolls with your schedule, you roll with it. For example when I had my first men-"
"-I don't need to know the details thanks." Grumbled Clancy. Ruby grinned, she enjoyed making Clancy squirm.
By the time Ruby and Clancy had made in to school, Clancy's voice was a notch higher than before, if that was even possible. Clancy restrained himself to speak as little as possible, and neglected to join in any conversation, no matter how much he felt the urge to.
"Well you'll have to speak at some point." Ruby told him impatiently. Clancy shook his head and crossed his arms. "What if a teacher calls on you?" Argued Ruby, "What if you needed to go to the toilet?" Clancy gave her a bug-eyed look. Ruby sighed and went to class.
As the day bore on, Clancy was lucky enough to avoid any questions, but the second point that Ruby had argued became more of a problem. Clancy needed the toilet. He held it in and held it in, through the torment otherwise known as lunchtime, through Del's sudden attraction to the topic of waterfalls. But eventually, in the last lesson, Clancy was about to crack. Nervously, his hand went up. Ruby smiled smugly.
"Mister Crew?"
"I need to visit the toilet." Asked Clancy, and then looked shocked. His voice had dropped to a tenor. Ruby's eyebrows hit new heights, and students turned to stare at him.
"Ahhhh, of course." Stammered the teacher.
Clancy made an immediate exit.

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