Bradley Baker

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The small plane flew over the snow topped mountains around it with ease, but the occupants inside were much more put out. The pilot, a wily young agent with plenty of spots, whom respected the agent he was carrying so much that he had become almost a personal secretary to him, was nervous. Bradley Baker, the legendary agent he was carrying had just finished the annual mental health checkup that every agent took at the top ranked medical health service in the world in Switzerland. Much to the horror of the specialists the top agent had failed the test. Badly. He was deemed mentally ill, possibly psychotic, and the pilot was instructed to literally tie him to the seat and never ever release him until he was under strict supervision to carry out further studies. The specialists, deciding not to inform Spectrum until he was safe and sound in an American airport, told the pilot kept quiet about his condition. This pained the young man very much, as Baker had been almost a father to him, so grudgingly, not believing for a moment that this ice cool agent could be a crazy one, he had strapped the calm agent to his chair with metal straps. The agent, his focus not on flying, decided to take a breather. He flipped the auto pilot switch and pulled on his parka that he had hung around the chair, then opened the door leading to the four luxury passenger seats on the plane. Bradley Baker sat at one in the front row next to the window and his fingers beat out a rhythm on the handles of the chair.
"Lovely place Switzerland." He said in his polite, clipped, professional tones. The pilot sat down opposite on a crate. Bradley Baker's performance over the past year had been the usual, pristine perfect, not a hole in any operations. Who knew how long he may have given up his mental health. The specialists had told him that many people with mental health acted the same on the outside, but on the was a different story. Bradley Baker could see the worry in his companion's eyes. And he laughed.
"You have been most helpful to me, my friend. Could you give me a hand one last time?" The man, eager to help, nodded." Bradley Baker ducked his head.
"Much obliged." And with those words, he tensed, then with strength almost inhuman, he flexed and pushed outwards. The metal bonds broke and snapped easily under the pressure, and the next thing the secretary knew, he was pinned to a wall.
"It's not personal." Bradley Baker said calmly.
"It's just wrong place wrong time."
"Bradley!" Gasped the younger man.
"Time for me to die, 'a hero's death' and unfortunately, there can be no survivors." And then the agent released him and walked over to the dynamite. After he had wired it up, he pulled on a parachute. Finally, before he jumped he turned back to his old friend, who was wheezing weakly on the floor.
"I'm terribly sorry old chap, but there is only room for one of us, Froghorn, and it has to be me." And with that he jumped. As the wild agent floated safely down to the ground, the plane above blew up into a million pieces.

A couple of months later, a young boy, also by the name of Froghorn, stood stony faced at his father's funeral reception. He had admired Bradley Baker as much as his father had, and in return, Baker was almost like another father to him. And now both of them were dead. And it was then, as the priest wished the two agents well in the afterlife, and his mother and LB cried beside him, that Froghorn decided that if Spectrum ever brought in another child agent, someone to rival Baker, that he would detest them with his whole heart. He would not even give them a chance. Froghorn's mouth tightened. It was for his fathers' good.

I'm terribly sorry if this was pretty terrible, I've just seen the new Star Wars and I'm going through a faze where I fangirl my ships so hard that it hurts, so I'm sort of distracting. I published the first chapter as a test, to see if anyone wanted to read it. If prompted, I can write whole stories for you, so be sure to tell me if you like it and want more, or I might forget.
Merry Christmas! Almost!

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