Chapter 2

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Alice's P.O.V

I woke up as usual and headed towards bathroom, after brushing my teeth and having shower I got ready for college with some plain t-shirt and polo jeans. I agree I'm now that chick who get ready to college, but I've changed ever since that incident happened in my life, Thinking of my past I always end up with tears in my eyes, I quickly wiped them and had my breakfast. As I headed out to college, suddenly someone stood beside when I was walking to the lift, I lifted my head to see him. There he was looking so handsome with his charming eyes, dark hair and of course hot and there I was staring at him and I snapped out from my thoughts by his friend who is Max from my college. "Hey there Alice" he smiled. I quickly moved into the lift and pressed the button before they could even come inside. "Hey it's not fair "I heard his deep voice.

Why the hell I'm thinking all this, no Alice no you couldn't let this happen to you the second time. I got into my car and drove to college pushing all my thoughts away.
Many things happened in my life during my high school, I was just a normal teenage girl at that time, everyone liked me and then I fell for a bad boy. It's not like I really fell for him, he made me do it forcibly and I couldn't resist as I was afraid that he might do some harm to me. But my fear made me to lose my family and I moved here after high-school. I managed to escape from there without letting him know about my whereabouts. I was again lost in my thoughts as I heard someone calling me "hey Alice" crystal walked towards me "hi crystal " I smiled and hugged her.
Crystal was the only person I talk to in this college. She sat beside me, after our daily friendly hug. She does know my past and she's also aware of my panic attacks, so she manages to constantly be around me.
After classes we walked out of the building together, as we reached my car "hey Alice would you like to bring some pizza while coming home, tonight we can watch movies and have pizza night" crystal suggested "ok your wish" I said while getting into the car. "hey Alice wait" I heard his voice again and turned around to see him, my neighbor. I just stared at him without saying a word "umm---hey.....Alice actually" he stammered. Which made me confuse "what do you need" I asked him making Crystal look at me with a smirk, "well can u drop me home, actually Max took my car and I'm expecting my sister to be at home, she's visiting for a day" he said, I just shook my head in response "please Alice do me this favor, it's my sister or else I wouldn't have caused you trouble" he pleaded "come on Alice, you just have to drive him home" crystal said, I sighed and gestured him to get inside. The ride was silent as we reached home; he quickly got out "thank you Alice" he smiled before rushing upstairs.

I parked my car and went upstairs to find a girl who seems to be younger than us hugging him "oh Aiden I missed you" she said while crushing him. "i missed you too Kate" he said chuckling at her. I ignored them and went inside my apartment and locking it behind me.

Aiden's P.O.V

"So it's her" Kate asked me while we're having dinner I just nodded munching away my dinner, "well bro I can tell she's not so outgoing but she's really pretty" she smiled and got on face book for her so-called social life. "What did you say her name was?" she asked me scrolling down through her phone "Alice, Alice Williams" I said remembering from when our professor called her today. Kate widened her eyes "Alice Williams? You must be kidding" she squealed. "What's wrong?"I asked her in confusion. She got up and showed me her Face book page. "She's really pretty" I said looking at her profile. But the profile was inactive since one and half years. "It seems like she left her social life" Kate said and went back to kitchen, I quickly grabbed the laptop and saved them "hey Aiden, I'm going out to grab some stuff, want to join me?" she asked to which I shook my head saying no. "Ok then I'll be back in 10" she says and walks out.
I looked at her pictures and profile, it seem like she was quite fun to be around, but why did she turn out like this. I transferred her pictures into my phone and deleted the pics in laptop to avoid the teasing from Kate or Max.


"good night bro and don't forget to wake up soon tomorrow" she said while walking into the guest room "ok done I'll drop you at the airport I promise" I said waving her goodnight.

I crawled into my bed and took out my phone to check her pictures. When I saw her in those pictures in which she was smiling it made me smile widely at her beautiful smile. She has a pretty smile and she looks even more gorgeous in that smile. Why did she turned like this, did something bad happened to her. If someone have caused her to change like this, then I'm sure I'm going to kick his ass for hurting my Cinderella.
Wait! What?? Did I just call her My Cinderella? No Aiden no, how can you call her my Cinderella?
Shit I think I'm thinking too much about her. I need to sleep I said to myself before sleeping with her in my thoughts.

Alice's P.O.V

"What is wrong with me, why did I talk to him" I asked crystal who was busy with her social life as she continued typing on her damn phone "maybe you like him" she said munching her chips after she kept her phone aside "never crystal, you know me, I don't like him I won't" I said turning my face towards window and looking out at the moon. "Well Alice, don't you think you should move on now" she says walking towards me and turning me to face her. "No crystal after that incident, I can't and don't you know about my panic attacks. Even if a boy approaches me I'll get tensed." I reminded her. "But didn't you have a talk with him today? You were fine with him riding with you in your car. Like really Alice you have finally talked to a boy after 2 years" she said which made me go numb. "I'm going to sleep, crystal goodnight" I waved her getting into my bed and pulled my blanket over me "okay then, we will discuss this soon" she said while sleeping on her bed.

"Alice Williams, I'm coming soon to get you. Don't forget that I'll never leave you" his words are still fresh in mind. I decided to stay away from Aiden    

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