Chapter 10

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Alice's P.O.V

I got up and felt someone's arms around my waist, I rubbed my eyes open and looked at the owner of the arms. It was Aiden he was sleeping peacefully;I smiled looking at him. I never let anyone come this close to me and this idiot is becoming my hero. I was lost in thoughts and then "good morning Cinderella" he whispered with his eyes closed and a cute smile on his face. I quickly got up and stood beside the bed. "Umm good morning "I said without looking at him "you look cute Cinderella" I blushed"and now you are even more cute when you are blushing" he said.

"Oh you wish Aiden, I'm not blushing and get off the bed we need to leave" I said and without listening to him as I rushed to the bathroom.

Stupid stupid stupid  I yelled. I brushed my teeth and had my bath. When I came out I didn't see Aiden in room. I sighed and got ready as I wanted to leave today.

Suddenly I heard someone's voice and I went near the door keeping my ears on it "well, Kate will you tell mom to make arrangements for us and Kate could you ask Andrew to come to the airport to us up" it was Aiden and he was talking with her sister. "No Kate she doesn't know anything yet, I'll tell her now and I hope she agrees" he sounded sad "OK then I'll call you when we reach there bye"he said and I heard the door opening, I quickly moved towards the bed.

"Oh Alice are you ready?" he asked and I nodded "Ok lets go" he said "go where!" I asked him sternly"home" he said and I nodded.

But he sounded like we were going somewhere else

"Uh Aiden?" I called him "yes Cinderella "he said "oh please stop calling me that" I whined "ha ha ha never ever doing that Cinderella" he said and I pouted "oh god don't do that" he said rubbing his forehead "do what?"I asked him"don't pout at me, it makes me feel like--"he paused "makes you feel like what?"I asked him "never mind come lets go" he pulled me towards the door and dragged me to the living room where Jack and Britney's parents were waiting for us.

"So you are leaving?" Jack said and we nodded "be careful dear, I don't want you to end up like my daughter" Britney's mom said and hugged me.

We sat in the car and waved them our goodbyes.

After reaching airport I saw that we don't have flights to Florida till 2 hours "Aiden why did you bring me here so early?"I asked him.

"Alice we aren't going back to Florida" he said"and why it is so Mr. Aiden" I asked him crossing my hands."uh um you will be staying with me at Los Angeles" he said and I blinked my eyes "come a little bit slower Aiden" I glared at him. "Ok fine you will be staying with me at Los Angeles" he blurted out and I chuckled.

"Why are you laughing" he asked "because I'm not coming with you idiot" I said. "You're coming with me Cinderella and I won't listen to you anymore" he said with a serious tone "Aiden please you don't need to do this" I said "Alice I care for you and like I promised I'll never leave you alone and not after knowing about that bastard" he yelled.

"What about my college and crystal" I asked him."Max and crystal will be fine and I took care of college you can have online classes" he said and I nodded.

"ok good come on, we'll miss our flight" he dragged me the boarding.

After a tiring journey we reached Los Angeles. I smiled to myself since I came here after many days. My uncle, aunt live here and I didn't meet them after the funeral.

"Hey bro" Aiden waved at a man who seems to be 4 or 5 years older than us. "hi welcome back" he said and they both hugged."So this is that girl, who Kate was telling me" he gave me a smile and I returned. "uh hello" I smiled "well lets go home you guys look tired "he said and we walked towards the car.

We reached Aiden's home after 1 hour of journey. He's home was sweet and I felt like home, a real home Andrew, Aiden's brother opened the door and we walked in.

Soon I saw a sweet girl who maybe 3 or 4 years old came running towards Aiden "uncle Aiden" she yelled in joy and Aiden hugged her and lifted her making her laugh. They both looked cute.

Then I saw Kate coming down "Alice" she Come to me and hugged me "uh --ka-t-e.. I can't --breath" I said and she pulled away"I'm so happy to see you Alice" she squealed. "me too it's nice to meet you again" I said. "is she an princess" that cute girl asked Aiden who smiled at her and glanced at me "yes sweetheart she's my Cinderella" he said to her andshe smiled widely showing her small teeth.

She came near me and I sat down to her height "Hello princess Cinderella" she said with her sweet smile "Hello angel"I said and gave her a kiss on her cheek and she blushed "uncle Aiden she called me angel just like you" she said and we all laughed.

"Lily go to your room" Andrew said and she suddenly looked afraid "dude, she's a kid why are you like this" Aiden snapped at Andrew "she's my daughter and I can be like whatever I want" he yelled. "Guys behave we have a guest at our home" Kate shouted. I saw Lily running upstairs I felt bad for her.

I was shocked by Andrew's behavior; he sighed and went out of the house. "Sorry about that" Aiden said and turned towards Kate"Kate take her upstairs I'll go out for a bit" he said and he left.

I gave a confused look to Kate and she sighed "never mind him Alice, he's a jerk towards her daughter after Claire died" she explained.

"Claire?"I asked her "she's lily's mom and Andrew's wife. Oh come on now we can discuss this later" she replied before dragging me upstairs.

She showed me my room and left saying that she have some work.I had a bath and dressed myself. I sat on the bed thinking about Aiden, he never looked that upset before. He always used to smile and make others smile.I wonder where he is now, I hope he is ok

I completely got lost in my thoughts, after sometime sleep took over me and I slept thinking about Aiden.

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