Chapter 26

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Alice's P.O.V

As soon as we reached beach, Kate and I laid down while Sam dragged Crystal with her to the water. After some time, Kate and I joined them, it was a fun day so far, we all had a nice time and I hoped everything will be like this forever. "guys let's get something, I'm hungry" Kate said "yeah, let's get dressed and then we can go to grab lunch" we all nodded at Sam and went to changing rooms.

After getting dressed we went to a small restaurant near to the beach, it was not much crowded but the smell of the food was amazing.

"wow, that smell is making me hungrier" Sam rubbed her stomach licking her lips, "let's order something before she runs into the kitchen" Kate rolled her eyes and went to order some food. "well as we're waiting here, why don't we discuss something" Kate glanced at Crystal and I nodded getting ready to ask her "crystal, look we know you what you've been through but we want to ask you something, I mean we need to talk to you about something" I held her hand and squeezed it a bit and smiled at her encouraging her so that she open up for us.

"look guys, I know what you all want to know and to tell you guys the truth" she signed "yeah, I think I like Andrew" she smiled slightly "wow, that's good now that we know you like him. I think things are going to change for good" Sam smiled "no, I mean yeah I like him but- but I can't be with him" Crystal turned her face to hide the tears which are threatening to fall down her eyes.

"is it because of lily?" Kate asked, "never, jeez girls don't think like that please. I like him for what he is and when coming to lily" she smiled "I love her already" I took her hands in mine "what is it crystal, what are you hiding? What it is that's pushing you away from what your heart wants?" she finally looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"just don't hate me after knowing everything, I don't want to lose you all. You guys make me feel like family and I'm afraid I'll lose you all" she cried as he hugged me "we'll never hate you babe, okay you're our friend and you will always be our family" Sam smiled rubbing her back.
"I'm pregnant, with Max's baby", we all remained silent in shock processing what we just heard.

"no, it's not Max's baby" Kate said making us look at her in confusion "it's your baby, he or she is our family and it will never belong to that bastards" Kate said and hugged crystal. We all smiled and nodded in agreement "thank you guys, for everything" Crystal smiled widely wiping her tears.

"woah, doesn't this look like an emotional gathering" hearing a familiar voice we turned to see Max along with some other people.
Shit, I slowly tried to take out my phone "nah nah, I wouldn't do that if I were you" one of them pointed a gun at me. "so, baby, when were you going to tell me about our baby" Max smirked touching Crystal's cheek "it's not your baby" she pushed him away.

He laughed "it's fine I don't need that Shit" and turned towards me "I'll like to take you with me Alice" I stepped backwards "I'm not going to come with you anywhere" I gritted my teeth.

As the men were focused on me and Crystal. Sam and Kate took this as an opportunity and kicked the other two men making them curse as they fell down. Max turned to see them, "let's run" Kate yelled and the four of us started running towards the car "catch them" Max shouted at his men.

"we need to call the boys" Crystal said running beside me, "I'll call them when we reach the car" Sam said, suddenly Crystal cried out in pain and fell down "crystal" I yelled and held her as she cried out in pain, "Shit the baby" I cursed and helping her up, Max was running towards us with his men behind him.
"Kate open the door" I yelled as Sam started the car.
She ran to the other side and opened the door, as we helped Crystal to the car, Max fired his gun hitting Kate's shoulder "no Kate" I held her before she hit the ground "Sam listen to me, take the girls to hospital now and contact the others" I made Crystal sit in the back seat while Sam helped Kate. "what? I'm not going to leave you behind" she yelled "no you're not staying here, they need me and you guys must go before they harm anyone else" I shouted at her. She tried to argue but agreed with me as we saw that the Crystal and Kate's condition was bad. "come on now move" I pushed her to the driver seat as more gun shots were heard.

"go please, I'll run and hide somewhere. I have my phone, tell nick to track me. I'll be safe I promise. Now go" I pushed her in and closed the door. "I'll go but first you need to hide" she said and started the car. "I'll hide after distracting those guys so that you can leave" I explained her "why can't you come with us" she asked "no they will follow us and they want me. Look Sam they will not hurt me because Robert will kill them. That means I'll be safe, just take them to hospital go now" I yelled and moved away from car. She nodded and drove away.

I sighed, now I need to get those people "Max" I yelled when I spotted him "get her" he yelled and those two ugly men caught me "looks like you succeeded in escaping those bitches" he held my face roughly making me look at him "don't you dare harm them, you want me not them" I shouted at him "fine, I really want to kill you, but that Robert" he clenched his fists.
I smirked at him "working like a dog I see" he turned red with anger "I'm not his dog" he slapped me hard. I felt something warm in my mouth "don't make me hurt you princess" he smirked. "I'm not afraid of you, Dog" I smiled making him slap me again "shut that mouth of yours" he yelled.

"you know how pathetic you look right now, he just uses you like a slave and when the work is over he'll kill you, because you're his dog" I laughed. "that's it" he hit me in the stomach "tie her up and give her chloroform" he yelled at the black hair guy and walked towards the van. I tried to pull away but they already injected me making me drift into darkness.

Sam's P.O.V
I reached hospital and yelled for help, soon a doctor and some nurses rushed to me and took Kate and Crystal with them.

"Sam" I heard Blake's voice and turned to see that everyone running towards us, I called them while I was on my way to hospital.
I hugged Blake and started crying "Sam what the hell happened" Aiden asked.
I told them everything and sobbed in Blake's arms, Nick and Andrew rushed to the doctor with us following them. "how is their condition doctor?" Nick asked "Kate is stable but she's still unconscious due to heavy blood loss. And Crystal, she's unconscious she got shot very near to her womb but luckily she and the baby are safe" he said "Crystal got shot?" I asked in shock, shit I didn't check her, oh God "yeah, I think you guys didn't noticed that, anyways they need rest we'll check them after they gain consciousness" doctor said and left.

"Aiden I'm very sorry" I cried while Blake rubbed my back, Aiden sighed and hugged me "don't be sorry Sammy, you saved them by bringing them here safely and coming to Alice, I know how stubborn she is, she wouldn't have listened to you" he smiled softly "I'm going to kill him this time" Nick growled "Son, we have tracked Alice's phone and got the location" Uncle said.

"let's get my sister back" Nick turned and walked away, "I'll get her back safely Blake take care of everything here and report to me if anything happens" Aiden said and went with Nick.

Aiden's P.O.V
"your sister is the most stubborn women I ever met" I signed while zipping my bullet proof jacket "trust me I have been told that before" he chuckled and handed me two guns "we'll get her back alive" he patted my shoulder "and will kill those bastards" he nodded and we got into car "let's go and get this thing finished forever" I said.

I'm coming Alice, wait for me.
I'll be there soon
Just hang on
For me
And our love

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