Chapter 3

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Aiden's P.O.V 

"get up sleepy head" Kate yelled kicking me out of my bed. I fell down on my ass with a loud thud "ouch that hurts" I glared at her while rubbing my back, "now get ready soon, I don't want to miss my flight because of your lazy ass" she said walking out of my room. I got up walking to the bathroom, I took my brush and started brushing my teeth and soon had a shower before getting ready to drop my sis at the airport.

"Did you get all your things? Did you check them?"I asked her again knowing that she always forgets something, while locking the door. At the same time Crystal and Alice came out of their apartment. "Good morning girls" I waved at them "good morning neighbour" Crystal said and I smiled. "Hey I'm Kate" my sis said to Alice and she smiled back "I'm Alice" she said "I'm crystal "Crystal introduced herself "yeah I know you Alice, I heard a lot about you" my sis said and I stomped on her feet "hey that hurts" she complained but I just glared at her "let's go Crystal, it was nice meeting you Kate, but we have to go now, bye" Alice said pulling Crystal with her. I sighed "Kate, better think before you speak idiot" I said. "Oh bro, be brave. Remember you are a college student not a high school boy" she said and I pulled her to my car "get your ass here you dumbo" I said.

At college

I kept glancing at her the whole time, she was writing her notes. She was looking like a nerd yet so beautiful, I kept on staring at her, suddenly my thoughts were interrupted when I heard the bell rang. "hey there" Crystal came to me "hey" I said to her still checking out Alice "so someone is having a crush on Alice huh" she grinned at me " yeah, I kind of like her" I smiled and turned to Crystal, "hey crystal, can you tell me about her, since she never talks to me?" I asked her directly "dude you're so fast" Max said walking towards us and hugging crystal "you brat, why didn't you call me yesterday" she frowned at him "babe I was with my parents" he said giving her a kiss. "So you two...?" I asked them and they nodded. "Well do u need help?" she asked me, "is there something like some bad past about her, why do she always be to herself and she only talks to you" I asked curiously making Crystal sigh. "Aiden I think you have to ask her directly, it's not my place to tell you, but you know what! You're the first boy she spoke to after many days" she grinned giving me a slight hope "really?" I beamed at her and she nodded.

At apartment

"Hey Alice" I said after a successful entering into the lift before she closes it again, She didn't reply and didn't even look at me "hey please don't be like that, can't you just smile, you look cute when u smile" I said to her. But even then she didn't respond, I let out a sigh and stood beside her in the lift as it was about to reach our floor the lights went off and lift stopped in the mid way, suddenly I felt her hands around my arms, sensing her panic I rubbed her back "don't panic, it will start soon" I said while pressing the alarm. I can feel her hands shivering, So I held her close to me and she felt comfortable in my arms "I'm here with you, relax" I said, she just nodded without saying a word. I just liked this moment, it was the first time I'm touching her and she's comfortable around me. It gave me a wonderful feeling. Soon the lift started, she looked at me and I looked into her eyes, I pulled her close to me and leaned in kissing her on her forehead "see everything's fine" She widened her eyes and pulled herself back "leave me" she whispered and ran out of the lift, I stepped out to stop her but before I could call her I saw her almost falling down, I was quick enough to catch her before she fainted "Alice..... Alice get up please" I shook her, even slightly slapped her face but she didn't opened her eyes, I got up with our bags and held her in my arms talking her to my apartment.

I placed her in my room and quickly pulled my phone to call Max "hey Max call crystal and tell her that Alice has fainted and she's in my house and dude ask her to come here as soon as possible" I said and hung up. I went to kitchen and fetched water and returned to her, "Alice wake up" I said wiping her forehead which was sweating and she was slightly shivering . I couldn't see here like this, it's hurting me. Soon Max and Crystal came bursting into my room, "hey, how's she" Max asked I just shook my head and sighed "still unconscious".

"Don't worry Aiden it's her panic attack, she will be fine soon" Crystal said patting my shoulders. "Well can you bring her back to our apartment?" she asked and I nodded taking Alice into my arms and walking to their apartment.
I laid her on her bed and covered a blanket on her, glancing around her room it was full of books. "Go now Aiden, she will be fine" crystal said I nodded and kissed her forehead before leaving their apartment.

Next morning

I didn't hear her voice this morning I felt guilty, I was getting ready for college, Suddenly I heard her scream, I quickly rushed to her apartment and saw it was unlocked so I directly headed to her room where she was shouting and tossing on her bed, I went to her and hugged her tightly "shhh its ok it's just a nightmare, calm down I'm here" I rubbed her back whispering assuring words to her. She stopped trashing and hugged me back holding my shirt in her fists. I held her like that for few more minutes till she fallen asleep again, slowly I felt myself drifting to sleep with her still in my arms.

Alice's P.O.V

I got up and found myself in his arms I was about to yell but then he opened his eyes "what are doing here?" I asked him trying to calm my heartbeat. "You were having a nightmare and you started to shout so I just came up here" he said scratching his head as we pulled away . "Leave me alone please" I said pointing towards door. He stood up and left my room without saying a word.

'He saved you and yet you're avoiding him and treating him like this'' my inner Alice yelled at me. I ignored it and went to the living room. "hey baby" crystal smiled at me "feeling better?" she asked me giving me my pills. "did he helped me here "I asked her after gulping my pills, she smirked in response, "ok that's good but it doesn't mean I will talk to him or be friends with him" I said to her.
"oh Alice, couldn't you just give yourself a chance "she rolled her eyes at me "I can't crystal and don't you know about me, yesterday he just kissed my head and I got my attack and here you're telling me give him a chance!! Not happening Babe" I sighed "maybe I shouldn't give myself a another chance "I said again "well but at least you stayed with him for a while and its far more than good" she said. "let it be crystal I don't think I can move on" I said and left to my room before she can say anything more.

How can I tell her, Aiden is making me fall out of my shell, but at the same time I'm afraid of Robert.
He said he'll find me.
I don't want to hurt Aiden if Robert comes back to my life.

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