chapter twenty one

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Camila's POV

"Okay, mom. Slow down!" I heard a girl yell-whisper.

I stretched and turned left where I could see Lauren's silhouette sitting on the bed, holding her phone to her ear.

"What...are you serious?" she breathed. "God.. okay, I'll be home in less than 20 minutes." she said.

"Right, but please, don't freak out, I'll be right there and we'll figure it out." she calmed her mom down. "I love you, Mom... yeah, bye." She ended the call and sighed heavily.

"Ugh.." she groaned.

"What's wrong?" I made my presence known.

"Oh, you're up. Hi," she greeted and smiled.

"Hey," I smiled back and gestured for her to lay next to me.

"Only for a little bit, though. I have to go home." she explained regretfully.

"Alright..why?" I asked timidly.

"Um, my dad and Taylor are on their way." she answered skeptically.

Am I missing something? Who's Taylor?

"Okay.. who was Taylor again?" I finally asked. She chuckled lightly.

"My little sister,"

"Oh, is it that bad that they're coming?"

"Depends on how you'll look at it.. I'm excited to see my sister, because I miss her, but my mom is scared." she explained.

"Scared?" I questioned.

"Uh," she started. "During one of her episodes, the bad ones.." she trailed.

"Yeah?" I encouraged her.

"She almost hurt her really, really badly. She..she lost it, Camila. My dad had to take mom away from both of us. They wanted to put her in a hospital for people mentally ill. I didn't want to live with my dad, so I made my best to encourage her doctor, and dad, especially, to let her stay with me. Otherwise I'd have to leave Miami and move in with the two of them. But that was the last thing I wanted-" she was cut off by my abrupt question.

"And why's that?"

"Hmm?" she hummed.

"Why do you repulse him so much?" I asked bluntly.

"He's not as perfect as he seems to be.." she revealed timidly.

"But wh-"

"Camee, I really have to go. My mom needs me." Now she cut me off.

"Of course, I'm sorry." I apologized.

"No problem, cutie." she answered holding me tighter for a few seconds and then getting up. "I'll miss our morning cuddles, though." She said with a pout.

"I'm pretty sure we'll catch up soon." I assured the girl smiling.

"Maybe you could come over today..or better tomorrow, you'll meet my sister-"

"And your dad?" I stopped her again.

"If you insist.." she replied not so surely.

"Ok, I like the idea." I said as I got up as well. "Let me know when you want me to come, also how things are going with them."

"Alright," she nodded. "I'll go change now."

"Sure," I only added.

I prepared us quick breakfast, Lauren devoured it within a minute or two. When she gathered her things, I walked her to the door, we hugged goodbye and she was off

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