Chapter 1.5

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"Don't hold back, Kaguya...I'll access you from what you do from now.." Karasuma spoke as he got ready in his fight stance.

Kaguya stood totally lost out in front of Karasuma. What should i do? I don't even have experience in hand to hand combat at all!

The students only stared on at the two people in front of them.

"Gah... When is she going to move?! " Terasaka asked restlessly.

None of the guys answered and simply watch.

Kaguya adjusted her body so it was easier to move, something Kayano had taught her in these few days. Not to soon later she ran towards the male and started to throw attacks at him. She didn't stop but Karasuma never let down his guard and soon enough he was able to take her arm by force and twisted it.

She cursed under her breath and grab his hand away from hers. Karasuma was now throwing attacks to her relentlessly and surprisingly she caught up to it.

As soon as there was an opening, she threw her legs up and kicked her teachers hand away. Karasuma jerked backwards but recovered in no time. Kaguya didn't pay attention to the male who quickly grabbed her by the neck.

"Good job... " Karasuma said as he let go of the female so she could breath. "There are still alot of room of improvements..."

Kagura stared at her group of friends as they gave her a smile almost as if it was saying "Well done"

She turned to the boys after that
They were watching her carefully and there were alot of reactions to it. She paid less heed to most of them really. She only watch as Karma's watching look turn to a smile.

"You're fine to go, Kaguya..." Karasuma commanded as he exercise his arms. Kaguya walked back to her friends and sat beside them.

"That was great, Kagu-chii!!" Kayano exclaimed softly as she hugged her friend.

"I've got to've got some hidden talent there, going up against Karasuma that long...." Yada, the ponytail girl complimented giving a reassuring smile.

Kaguya smiled...A true smile after so long...

"Anyone else kind of amazed about her right now...." Maehara brought up the topic as soon as Kaguya sat back at her circle of friends.

"Huh, beginners luck...! Maybe Karasuma is going easy on her..." Terasaka said in disbelief.

Nagisa continue to stare at Kaguya. "It didn't look like Karasuma was holding back..."

Karma looked towards his friend before turning to the others. "She is an Asano after all, she must have picked it up from her dad."

The boys nodded in unison.


The orange hair female hastily pack her stationaries as she finished her notes. She cleared her desk, stuffing everything into her light blue bag and got off her chair. She scanned the room.

It was the same always, the blue hair, known as Nagisa would slowly pack his stuff with the red hair behind the class. Koro Sensei had placed her sitting a seat away from him, but despite that, they never made any contact.

Kaguya got off her seat and walk away from them, not paying any heed to them. As she was about to slide open the door, a hand touched against her shoulder. She nearly jump at the sudden reaction before turning to reveal Nagisa.

"Kaguya? Do you want to walk home with us?" he asked.

Kaguya's eyes opened to the sudden request but quickly returned back and turn to the floor. "It's okay...I'm heading to the main building..."

Nagisa nodded his head as if understanding what she meant. Kaguya readjusted her grip on her bag and left the class, thinking about the sudden act of kindness. It was really nice to finally be noticed and have people wanting to accompany you...

(Sorry for the short chapter! Internet is killing me slowly and I've been busy!)

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