Chapter 8

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The seven member group slowly walk through the busy alleys of Kyoto. Left and right they could see vendors,l of all ages, yelling and persuading passerbys to purchase their stuff. This are of Japan was far different than the capital city in which they lived in.
The rural and traditional aura around here gave the area a really unique beauty. Kaguya's face gleamed happily as she watch the friendly village kids smiling towards her.

The villagers lived in such a peaceful and simple area...

She turned behind their group where Karma had been dragging his feet reluctantly. He has been avoiding her gaze ever since they arrive in Kyoto and it somehow make her wonder if she had something to do with it. Did she say something that might had triggered him? No, maybe it was nothing. Maybe it was just normal him. But from the look on his face, he was...thinking about something.

Why am I worried about him? She thought to herself.

"Wahhh!" The green hair female besides her halted in her tracks, tilting her head slightly at the view in front of her. The rest of the group halted as well, wowing at the sight of a grand shine in front of them. Amazed by the sudden sight, Kaguya's purple orbs widened.

"Alright minna San....Let's take some pictures here..." Okuda said as she digged in to her backpack and pulled out a white camera.

They all gathered around the entrance of the shrine except Okuda. The braided brown hair female turned her camera towards them. "Okay ready?" she asked. Karma, Kayano, Sugino, Kaguya added Kanzaki nodded. Nagisa did not do so as he realised that the brown hair girl would not be in the picture.

"Okuda-san? You're not join us?" the cerulean hair boy questioned non-chalently. The girl with glasses looked back at them. "If I join, who is going to take the picture? "

Karma overheard their conversation and walked towards Okuda, taking the camera out of her hands. The red hair then walked up to a passerby and asked if he could take the picture for them. Fortunately, he was ever willing to.

"Wahhhh..everyone's smiling so brightly!" Kayano exclaimed as she observed the picture that the passerby had taken. The seven of them bowed as a gesture of thanks to him as he left the area. As soon as he did so the rest gathered around Kayano to see the picture.

"Karma totally ruined the freestyle photo though..." Kayano sighed at the sight of the red hair making an evil grin. Karma chuckled by her shoulders. "Its called a freestyle photo, I can do whatever I want!"

He seems like he is acting that is...Kaguya turned to male and their eyes met. His golden orbs widened as their gaze joined.

Why is my heart beating so hard? I mean...he is just looking at me....

Could it be?

"Ahhh. Isn't Kyoto such a nice place?" she heard a coarse voice behind them began to speak, breaking the tranquility between Karma and her. She was actually grateful for that, for if not she would already be having a heart attack.

"Kyoto is really different then the big cities like Tokyo..." Okuda added as they continued to walk around.

"Its funny really...ever since we arrived in Kyoto, I've totally forgotten about the assassination... Kyoto is such a peaceful area it doesn't seem to be any relation to assassination and stuff like that...." Sugino chuckled along. It was true this peaceful village who would think of gruesome assassination?

They heard a little chuckle coming from Nagisa. "In reality its the complete opposite, Sugino" he stated making all of them turn to him.

"I'd like to take a little detour. It's just around that convenience store." he pointed to a shop not far from us.

*****(timeskip because I'm totally clueless on how to write this part. But you all know what happened)******

They walk through the shortcuts and small alleys as they were lead by Kanzaki. The alleys were quiet, where probably the only noise was their voices.

"Heeh, if you go deeper into the Gion District, there's really no signs of life...." Kayano stated as she glance left and right.

"Yeup. That's because it's made up of shops that turn away first time customers. The people who come here don't aimlessly wander around, so we don't have to work around them," the girl next to her explained as the turn to the red of the group with a smile. "That's why it was the route I wanted. It's just right for an assassination, isn't it?"

The rest of the them watch her and smiled. "As expected of Kanzaki-san, your preparations are perfect! " Sugino complimented making the black hair female chuckle.

The orange hair female watch her groupmates as they conversed. A small smile started on her face. Everyone's really working hard for this assassination...

"Are you enjoying yourself, Kaguya?" a voice sounded from behind. She turn to reveal a familiar cerulean shade.

Kaguya was about to nod at her friend's questions when a few steps made their way behind them. "Now why would you walk in this area when abduction is a piece of cake?"

The group turned to find three men in black school uniforms. Kaguya and the few girls next to her started to take a step back from where they were standing.

The orange hair female scanned the situation trying to find a way out of their way. As she did so, a red hair male passed her and walk to the front of the group, right in front of the few mysterious men.

"What's up gents? You don't seem to be here for sightseeing." he said in a cold monotonous voice as the aura around him tensed. Kaguya, noticing this, began to feel goosebumps forming against her skin.

She turned back to the few men in front of them. A particular bold man approached Karma. "All you boys have to do is leave the woman here and go home"

She turned back to Karma waiting for a reply but he wasn't there anymore and a loud sound of metal filled the alley. When the orange hair female finally responded to the sound by turning back to the bold man, she found karma smashing the enemy's head on to the electric pole.

"See Nagisa-kun, if they aren't any witness then there's no problem if I fight." he said coldly letting the man down and falling to the floor.

As soon as she though it was over someone came up behind her red hair friend. "Karma!" she shouted hoping to alert him but was already to late when he was struck down with a pipe.

"You got that right. This place is well hidden" the man with slightly curly hair chuckled before turning to his friends. "Oi, grab the women"

From behind a male grabbed her by her shoulder. The orange hair female kicked her feet out of the kidnapper's arms and tried to run but was quickly stopped by the same guy who had injured Karma. The man twisted her arm a little as he pulled her face closer.

"Listen, Missy, I don't want to disable a beauty. Especially one with such a pretty face so..." he placed a finger under her neck. "Behave"

She could not move an inch. The man's arms were strong. She struggled with her legs which were shaking in fear.

"What do you think you're doing? " Sugino shouted from their back hut was quickly silenced by one of the men.

She wanted to scream but Kaguya was already shut by the hands of the man that caught her.

(Im so sorry for such a procrastinated chapter! Hopefully this chapter saves properly. My Internet has been disturbing my wattpad which leads to stories that are unsaved and gone qaq. Anyways its almost 1k views thanks so much for continuous support)

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